Johannes Bosboom

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Church interior with child baptism

Johannes Bosboom (born February 18, 1817 in The Hague ; † September 14, 1891 there ) was a Dutch painter.

Bosboom's teacher was Bart van Hove . Between 1831 and 1835 and again from 1839 to 1840 he was trained in his hometown. In 1835 he made a trip to Germany with Salomon Leonardus Verveer, visiting Cologne and Koblenz . In 1837 he traveled to Antwerp and in 1838 together with Cornelis Kruseman to France , where he visited Rouen and Paris . In 1852 he married the writer Anna Louisa Geertruida Bosboom-Toussaint . Bosboom was a member of the Pulchri Studio artists' association in The Hague .

Bosboom is considered to be a forerunner of the Hague School . The masterful way in which he used light in his church paintings made him one of the most important European painters of this genre.


  • Pieter A. Scheen : Lexicon Nederlandse beeldende kunstenaars, 1750-1880 . 's-Gravenhage 1981, p. 61 f.

Web links

Commons : Johannes Bosboom  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files