Johannes Felsch

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Johannes Rudolf Wilhelm Ferdinand Felsch (born September 22, 1882 in Birkau , † 1952 ) was a German-Chilean geologist .


Felsch was born in Upper Lusatia in 1882 and studied at the Albertus University in Königsberg . In the winter semester of 1902/03 he became a member of the Germania fraternity there . In 1909 Felsch became an assistant at the geological collection at the University of Jena. In 1911 he published his dissertation there, The Strata Sequence of the Lower Culm in the Area of ​​the Münchberg Gneiss Massif, and shortly thereafter accepted a position as an assistant at the geological-paleontological institute at the University of Bonn. In the same year he was appointed "Geologist at the Geological Survey of the Republic of Chile" together with another Bonn geologist and emigrated to Chile . The main task of the geological survey was the search for mineral resources , especially coal and oil . Felsch devoted himself in particular to the exploration of oil deposits, initially in the Great South around Punta Arenas and Tierra del Fuego , later also in other parts of the country. Felsch became a Chilean state geologist and, after completing his studies, he became a professor of geology at the Universidad de Chile in Santiago de Chile .


  • The sequence of layers of the lower culm in the vicinity of the Munchberg gneiss massif (dissertation, 1911)
  • Informe sobre el reconocimiento jeolójico de los alrededores de Punta Arenas i de la parte noroeste de la Tierra del Fuego, con el objeto de Finderar posibles yacimientos de petróleo. Con un croquis jeolójico de los alrededores de Punta Arenas i de la parte noroeste de la Tierra del Fuego (1913)
  • Informe preliminar de los reconocimientos jeolójicos de los terrenos petroliferos de Magallanes (1916)
  • Informe sobre el reconocimiento jeolójico de los indicios de petróleo en la Provincia de Tarapacá (1917)
  • El agua en la pendiente occidental de la cordillera real entre la quebrada de Huatacondo i la quebrada de Tarapacá (1920)
  • Indicios de petróleo en capas del Caloviano-Yurásico superior, en la falda occidental de la cordillera de la Provincia de Tacna (1921)
  • Informe preliminar sobre los reconocimientos geológicos de los yacimientos petroleros en la cordillera de la provincia de Antofagasta (1933)


  • Hernán Rodríguez Villegas: Historia de la fotografía en Chile. Registro de daguerrotipistas, fotografos, reporteros graficos y camarografos 1840–1940. In: Boletin de la Academía Chilena de la Historia. Vol. 52, No. 96, Santiago de Chile 1985. pp. 189-340, here p. 236.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Journal of General Geology , Volume 2, 1911. P. 527.
  2. Geographische Zeitschrift , Volume 28, 1922. P. 96.