Johannes Lichtenberger

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Handwritten horoscope

Johannes Lichtenberger (* around 1426 in Grünbach bei Baumholder ; † before April 1503 probably in Niederbrombach ) was a German astrologer .

While Lichtenberger worked in the royal courts in the 1470s and as court astrologer to Emperor Friedrich III. (1415–1493) appeared, he later withdrew to his home region, where before 1481 he was transferred to the parish in Brambach (Niederbrombach). He is said to be buried in Otterstadt near Speyer.

His main work is the Pronosticatio (astrological prediction of the three estates up to 1576 in Latin ), dated April 1, 1488 and initially anonymously printed , on 40 folio pages, which had more than 50 editions by 1813. It was strongly influenced by the expectation of the final emperor, fueled by the fear of the Turks . The Tractatus de Cometis by the doctor and astrologer Eberhard Schleusinger, first published around 1472, served as a template .

Because Lichtenberger had predicted the appearance of various false prophets as well as a "minor prophet" for the period after 1485 , who would initiate a reform of the church, his work was the subject of controversial interpretations during the Reformation : followers of Martin Luther saw in their role model the announced "minor Propheten ”, Luther himself had a German translation of the Pronosticatio printed in 1527 . Supporters of the Catholic Church saw in him one of the false prophets Lichtenberger had written about.

Individual evidence

  1. Kocku von Stuckrad : History of Astrology . CH Beck, Munich 2003, p. 245 f.


Web links

Wikisource: Burgundian Wars  - Sources and full texts