Johannes Oppenheimer

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Johannes Oppenheimer (born July 10, 1918 in Thorn ; † January 13, 2007 ) was a German lawyer and Vice President of the Federal Administrative Court .


Oppenheimer was initially prevented from studying by the Nuremberg Laws and the persecution under the National Socialists . After the Second World War , he studied law and completed his legal training in 1952 with the second state examination. He then joined the administrative courts of North Rhine-Westphalia and initially worked at the Düsseldorf Administrative Court. In 1959 he was judge at the Higher Administrative Court for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and in January 1963 a judge at the Federal Administrative Court. For a short time he was a member of the 8th Audit Senate. Subsequently, he was a member of the 2nd Audit Senate responsible for public service law and the 1st Audit Senate responsible for economic constitutional law , economic administrative law , the law of the liberal professions , health law and citizenship and immigration law. In 1971, Oppenheimer became chairman of the 4th revision senate responsible for public building law and, in March 1980, vice-president of the Federal Administrative Court. In 1986 he retired when he reached the age limit.

Johannes Oppenheimer was awarded the Grand Cross of Merit with Star of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany by Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker .

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