Johannes Skalweit

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Johannes Skalweit

Johannes Skalweit (born June 23, 1844 in Labiau , East Prussia , † September 4, 1887 in Hanover , Lower Saxony ) was a German chemist and university professor .


Skalweit was 1870 in Tübingen Dr. rer. nat. PhD . His dissertation was entitled “Some experiments from the field of organic chemistry” (Verlag H. Laupp, Tübingen 1870).

In 1872 he was head of the laboratory he set up at the chemical factory of Eugen de Haën (today: Riedel-de Haën ) in Hanover-List . From 1877 to 1879, he was a chemist at the Food Inspection Office. From 1879/1880 Skalweit was a private lecturer for public health care at the Technical University of Hanover .

In the 1880s, Skalweit was a member and managing director of the "Association of Analytical Chemists", as such also the editor in charge of the association's "Repertory of analytical chemistry for trade, industry and public health care" .

Works (selection)

  • Analytical Chemistry Repertory for Commerce, Industry, and Public Health. Weekly journal for all of applied chemistry . Organ of the Association of Analytical Chemists. 1-7 Vintage; January 2, 1881 to December 31, 1887, Verlag L. Voss, Leipzig 1881 and Hamburg / Leipzig 1882–1887


  • Willibald Reichertz: East Germans as lecturers at the Technical University of Hanover (1831–1956) . In: East German family studies. Volume 55, Issue 3/2007, pp. 109-120