Johannes William room

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Johannes William Raum (born December 4, 1931 in Bumbuli ; † March 4, 2014 ) was a German ethnologist .


In 1950 Otto Raum's son began studying at the University of Cape Town . Because of his interests, he chose history as a major and German philology . Raum originally intended to become a teacher but also developed a growing interest in anthropology . He chose English and social ethnology as additional subjects. Monica Wilson , Leonard Monteath Thompson, Jack Simons, and Astley John Hilary Goodwin were among his teachers. In 1952 he earned a Bachelor of Arts . A year later he received a Master of Arts in history.

Then he moved to Germany, where he studied educational science at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . He also attended courses on psychology and history. On November 5, 1963, he completed his doctoral thesis on educational sciences.

After a short time as a teacher, Raum took an assistant position at the Institute for Ethnology and African Studies in Munich in 1963, where Hermann Baumann was a full professor. In 1974 he completed his habilitation thesis and finally took part in a research project at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research . After his return to Munich, Raum became an associate professor at the Institute for Ethnology and African Studies. In 1979 he was also a visiting professor at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology in Tübingen . Since 1980, Raum has held a full professorship at the Institute for Ethnology and African Studies in Munich . He retired in 1997.

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