Johannes Wortmann

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Johannes Wortmann (born November 13, 1844 in Ronsdorf , † November 10, 1920 in Düsseldorf ) was a German landscape painter from the Düsseldorf School .


Wortmann studied painting at the Düsseldorf Art Academy . From 1869 to 1871 he was a student of Oswald Achenbach's landscape class there . With his painter friend Hans Peter Feddersen , he went on a study trip to Rügen in 1870 . In the 1870s he was Hugo Darnaut's teacher . In 1889 he lived at Viktoriastraße 13 in Düsseldorf.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Theilmann : The student lists of the landscape classes from Schirmer to Dücker. In: Wend von Kalnein (Ed.): The Düsseldorf School of Painting. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 1979, ISBN 3-8053-0409-9 , p. 147.
  2. Lilli Martius, Ethe Stubbe, Hans-Jürgen Stubbe: The painter. Studies on the history of art in Schleswig-Holstein, Volume 10, Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1966, p. 21.
  3. ^ Entry Wortmann, Johannes. In: Adreß-Buch der Oberbürgermeisterei Düsseldorf , 1889, accessed on the portal on June 15, 2016.