John Elliotson

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John Elliotson

John Elliotson (born October 29, 1791 in Southwark (London), † July 29, 1868 in London ) was a British doctor .

Elliotson became a professor at the University of London in 1831 ; under pressure from the magazine The Lancet , which rejected his practice of animal magnetism , he resigned in 1838. From 1843 to 1856 he published the magazine The Zoist , which was exclusively devoted to animal magnetism. In 1849 he founded a "hospital" dedicated to the controversial practice.

Elliotson was a member of the Royal Society and the Royal College of Physicians .

Fonts (selection)

  • Cases of the Hydrocyanic or Prussic Acid. 1820
  • Lectures on Diseases of the Heart. 1830
  • Principles and Practice of Medicine. 1839
  • Human Physiology. 1840
  • Surgical Operations in the Mesmeric State without Pain. 1843

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alison Winter: Mesmerized. Powers of Mind in Victorian Britain . University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1998, ISBN 0-226-90219-6 , pp. 132, 154-155 .
  2. a b short biography