John H. Malmberg

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John Holmes Malmberg (born July 5, 1927 in Gettysburg , Pennsylvania , † November 1, 1992 in Del Mar (California) ) was an American physicist who was particularly concerned with theoretical plasma physics .

Malmberg studied at Illinois State University (Bachelor 1949) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Master 1951), where he received his doctorate in 1957. From 1957 to 1969 he was a plasma physics scientist at General Atomics . From 1967 until his death he was a professor at the University of California, San Diego .

In 1985 he received the James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics and in 1991 with others the John M. Dawson Prize for Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society for his studies of non-neutral plasmas (such as gases from electrons).

Since 1993 the UCSD has awarded him the John Holmes Malmberg Prize annually in his honor.

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Individual evidence

  1. PeoplePill: John H. Malmberg: American physicist (1927-1992) - Biography, Life, Family, Career, facts, information. Retrieved January 24, 2020 .
  2. Retrieved December 4, 2014