Jonas K.

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Jonas K. († July 29, 2017 at Munster ) was a soldier in the Bundeswehr . He collapsed on July 19, 2017 after a training march of his platoon as part of the officer candidate course and died ten days later. His death sparked a debate about inappropriate basic training practices in the Bundeswehr, which announced that it would investigate its training structures in all branches of the armed forces .


Jonas K. took part as an officer candidate (OA) in a corresponding course at the Munster training center . Jonas K. had a body mass index of over 31, so he was very overweight and suffered from asthma . This became known through the investigation report after his death.


The 19.of July 2017 was a day with average temperatures in Munster. The peak values ​​were 28 degrees and an average of around 20 degrees. During a training march, Jonas K. and other recruits were sent back to the barracks to repack their bags. Equipped with a helmet and luggage, Jonas K. and three other young recruits collapsed on the way back. They had to be treated in intensive care. Jonas K. died on July 29, 2017, ten days after the collapse, in the hospital of multiple organ failure . The Bundeswehr cited heat stroke as the cause of death . According to the autopsy report , his death was due to multiple organ failure in connection with blood poisoning . Another comrade of Jonas K. was in critical condition for a long time.


The public prosecutor's office in Lüneburg started an investigation. A partial report of the forensic medical examination showed that drugs or other substances were not the reason for Jonas K.'s death. At the beginning of March 2018, the entire forensic medical report on the case became known. Accordingly, the army instructors could have prevented the death of soldier K. if they had adhered to the applicable rules of the Bundeswehr and their duty of care . According to the report, the forensic doctors at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) classified the death of Jonas K. and the heat strokes in several of his comrades as avoidable. According to Spiegel , proceedings for negligent homicide should be opened against the trainers.

The army investigated the case internally. In a preliminary report, the Bundeswehr lists “inappropriate” decisions that could have led to the collapse of the OAs. Several superiors were on vacation at the same time. The exercise march was also an unusually high physical strain for the beginning of the soldiers' training. "The suit with the field jacket over the splinter vest " worn on the training day was "not adapted to the level of performance and weather", but was nevertheless ordered by the superiors. According to the report, the deceased soldier Jonas K. had a body mass index of over 31, so he was very overweight and suffered from asthma .

The army presented a 42-page investigation report in February 2018. According to the report, the soldiers had too much baggage with them, which is why the Bundeswehr admitted mistakes. However, this was not the cause of the death of Jonas K. and the collapse of three other soldiers. According to, the report says: "The causes that led to the death of the officer candidate (OA) and the serious illnesses of three other soldiers have not yet been fully clarified". A clear cause for the accumulation of heat strokes on July 19, 2017 could not be found. The report speaks of “unfavorable concatenation of circumstances and factors”.


The Defense Commissioner of the Bundestag Hans-Peter Bartels criticized after the report that the exact cause of death is still unclear. It must be determined urgently.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Bundeswehr admits errors after the death of recruits. Retrieved February 20, 2018 .
  2. a b Death during the Bundeswehr march: Expert opinion burdens trainers. Retrieved March 4, 2018 .
  3. a b Dead soldier in Lower Saxony: Bundeswehr admits errors . In: Spiegel Online . September 1, 2017 ( [accessed February 20, 2018]).
  4. Göttinger Tageblatt, Eichsfelder Tageblatt, Göttingen, Eichsfeld, Lower Saxony, Germany: Bundeswehr admits errors after a soldier's death. Retrieved February 20, 2018 .
  5. a b c NDR: Munster: Drugs are not a reason for the soldier's death. Retrieved February 20, 2018 .
  6. ^ NDR: Munster: Soldier continues in intensive care unit. Retrieved February 20, 2018 .
  7. ^ Deutsche Welle ( Bundeswehr admits failures following deadly training march | News. September 1, 2017, accessed February 20, 2018 .