José Domingo Espinar

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José Domingo Espinar (1824)

José Domingo Espinar (* 1791 ; † September 5, 1865 in Arica , Peru ) was a Panamanian doctor, engineer and statesman.

Espinar was the son of an influential family in Panama. He studied at the Colegio San Francisco in Quito and the University of San Marcos in Peru, he received degrees in medicine and engineering. He fought alongside Simón Bolívar , with whom he was friends, for the independence of Greater Colombia from Spain and for conservative values. He held several positions in Bolívar's government until in 1830, at the height of the conflict between supporters of greater integration into Greater Colombia and supporters of greater independence, he became military commander in Panama. It was rejected by liberals and conservatives alike, and took the initiative on September 10, 1831, when he took rioting as an opportunity to depose the government of José de Fábrega and return Panama to Colombia.

In 1841, Espinar was defeated by the liberal Tomás de Herrera , who wanted a federal system, in a power struggle. He went into exile and died in Peru at the age of 74.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Thomas M. Leonard: Historical dictionary of Panama . Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham 2015, ISBN 978-0-8108-7834-1 , pp. 117 .