José Roberto Torrent Prats

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José Roberto Torrent Prats (born September 8, 1904 in Ciutadella , † November 13, 1990 ibid) was a Menorcan painter of the 20th century.

In addition to his work in the family business’s shoe production, Torrent dealt with illustrations and humorous drawings early on. In the 1930s he got a job as a drawing teacher at the city school. He married for the first time in 1936 - they had two children. In 1942 his first wife died. He remarried in 1945. At the end of the decade, his painting intensified. At that time he had his first solo exhibition.

In his hometown there has been a permanent exhibition since 1995, the Casa Museu del Pintor Torrent in Carrer de Sant Rafel 11 . In addition, a street was named after him and a memorial was erected. In 2004 he was made an honorary citizen of Ciutadella . In the same year, the Consell Insular de Menorca proclaimed the year of the torrent in his honor .

Exhibits in museums

Awards and honors

  • Medalla Diputación, Salón Otoño Palma 1950.
  • Medalla de Plata, Salón Otoño Palma 1954.
  • Segundo accésit, Salón Otoño Palma 1956.
  • Mención Honorífica Pro-Museo de Baleares, Salón Ötoño Palma 1956.
  • Medalla de Honor, Salón Otoño Palma 1959.
  • Medalla de Honor, Salón Otoño Palma 1960.
  • Seconda Medalla, Salón Otoño de Madrid 1960.
  • Primer Premio Pintura, Salón Primavera Mahón 1962.
  • Primer Premio Pintura, Salón Primavera Mahón 1963.
  • Medalla de Honor, Salón Primavera Mahón 1964.
  • Premio Pintura Fomento Turismo Baleares, Palma 1964.
  • Premio Pollensa, Pollensa 1964.
  • Premio Fomento Turismo Baleares, Palma 1965
  • Finalista Premio CIUDAD DE BARCELONA, Barcelona 1967
  • Premio Invicta Ayuntamiento Alcudia, Alcudia 1968.
  • Premio CIUDAD DE PALMA, Palma 1969.
  • Premio CIUDAD DE BARCELONA, Barcelona 1969.
  • Premio ANSIBA, Palma 1976.
  • Medalla de Oro ADEBA, 1983.
  • 1a Medalla ATENEO MAHÓN, Mahón 1984
  • Premio ROQUETA, Palma 1987.

Exhibitions and projects posthumously from 1990


  • Moda y Arte, revista española de calzado 1934, Director Pedro Pons Monjo, diseño grafico José Roberto Torrent Prats. Redacción, E. Figueras19 Ciutadella Menorca. Representaciones internacionales en: Bélgica, Francia, Portugal, Inglaterra, Dinamarca, Holanda, Alemania (Berlin), Austria, Checoeslovaquia, Ungría.
  • José María Garrut Rómá: Torrent, Maestros actuales de la pintura y escultura catalanas (48 pages) (1981)
  • José María Garrut Romá: Torrent, La gran enciclopedia vasca (48 pages) (1981)
  • Torrent "aixi de gran"! (Text by Joan Elorduy and Gabriel Juliá) (Poems: Rafael Torrent Prats Faner). Ciutadella: José Roberto torren, DL 1989.
  • Torrent: 1904 - 1990 / Joan Elorduy Vaquero, - (Menorca): Consell Insular de Menorca: Ajuntament de Ciutadella de Menorca: Fundació Sa Nostra, 2004
  • Torrent: 1904-1990 / Juan elorduy Vaquero. Alberto Torrent in Romanian. --Maó: Menorca, 1999
  • Exposició permanent del pintor Torrent: (Ciutadella de Menorca 1904 - 1990) / Pintura, dibuixus i fotografías: José Roberto Torrentdisseny expositiu i textos: Joan Elorduy; imatges i muntages: Joan Allés. - [Menorca]: Enyoranca Vídeos, DL2009
  • Descobreix amb Torrent la pintura contemporánia: squares de l
  • El darrer Torrent: una pintura mai vista / textes i disseny graphic Joan Elorduy; Assesorament lingüistic d´en Xec Florit Nin. - Maó (Menorca): Consell Insular, DL1991

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Permanent exhibition by the painter Torrent. Ajuntament de Ciutadella, accessed on March 18, 2014 (German).

Web links