Joscelyn Godwin

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Joscelyn Godwin (born January 16, 1945 in Kelmscott , Oxfordshire , England) is an English musicologist , translator and composer. He also became internationally known for his thematically broader cultural studies studies, in particular on the history of Western esotericism , many of which have been translated into several languages.

Godwin studied music at Magdalene College of Cambridge University and received his doctorate in 1969 at Cornell University in Ithaca NY with a thesis on The Music of Henry Cowell . He then taught for two years at Cleveland State University in Ohio , and since 1971 he has been a professor at Colgate University in Madison County (New York) .

Works (selection)

  • Robert Fludd , Hermetic Philosopher and Surveyor of Two Worlds. Thames & Hudson, London, and Shambala, Boulder 1979.
    • also published in French, Greek, Spanish and Japanese.
  • Athanasius Kircher , A Renaissance Man and the Quest for Lost Knowledge. Thames & Hudson, London 1979.
    • German: Athanasius Kircher. A man of the Renaissance and the search for lost knowledge. Clemens Zerling 2000.
    • also published in French, Spanish and Japanese.
  • Mystery Religions in the Ancient World. Thames & Hudson, London 1981.
    • also published in Greek and Japanese.
  • Harmonies of Heaven and Earth. The Spiritual Dimension of Music from Antiquity to the Avant-Garde. Thames & Hudson, London 1987.
    • Music and spirituality. Sources of inspiration in music from the early days to the modern day. Scherz, Bern 1989.
    • also published in French and Japanese.
  • L'Esotérisme musical en France, 1750-1950.
    • also published in English and Japanese.
  • The Mystery of the Seven Vowels in Theory and Practice. Phanes Press, Grand Rapids 1991.
    • also published in Italian.
  • Arctos. The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival. Phanes Press, Grand Rapids 1993.
    • German: Arktos. The Book of Hollow Earth. Michaels-Verlag 1997, and Arktos. The polar myth between Nazi occultism and modern esotericism. Ares Verlag, 2007.
    • also published in Japanese, Greek, French, Italian and Spanish.
  • The Theosophical Enlightenment. State University of New York Press, Albany 1994.
    • also published in Italian.
  • The Real Rule of Four. The Disinformation Company, New York 2004.
    • also published in French and Portuguese.
  • Athanasius Kircher's Theater of the World. Thames & Hudson, London, and Inner Traditions, Rochester VT 2009.
    • also published in French and Italian.

Web links