Josef Becker (medic, 1895)

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Josef Becker , full name Peter Josef Becker (born January 26, 1895 in Elsdorf in the Rhineland ; † August 9, 1966 in Bonn ), was a German pediatrician , SS leader at the time of National Socialism and professor at the universities of Marburg and Bonn .


After completing his school career, Becker took part in the First World War and studied medicine . After defending his dissertation About skin and sweat glands in fetuses and newborns Becker in 1921 at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Bonn to Dr. med. PhD . After that, Becker remained active in the children's department of the Bonn University Clinic, where he was most recently employed as a senior physician. Becker was employed there in 1926 as a private lecturer and from 1933 as an associate professor. At the beginning of January 1934, Becker took over at the Bremen hospitals (today Klinikum Bremen-Mitte)took over the management of the Bremen Children's Clinic and also became the city pediatrician. His predecessor as head of the children's clinic was Rudolf Hess , who was dismissed at the end of 1933 after the start of the Nazi era because of Jewish ancestors. At the beginning of November 1939, Becker moved to the University of Marburg as a full professor. During the Second World War , Becker also advised the Lebensborn e. V. as a pediatrician. Becker joined the NSDAP ( membership number 3.144.656) and SS in May 1933 . In the SS, Becker achieved the rank of SS standard leader in 1944 . Becker was also a member of the NS-Ärztebund (1933), the NSV (1934), the Reichskolonialbund (1934), the NS-Altherrenbund (1937) and the NS-Dozentbund (1940). As a senior physician, he worked as a consultant for the DRK from 1938 .

Becker was arrested in 1945, but released from internment in 1946 due to a feigned illness. In 1948 he was denazified by classification in category V. After that, Becker initially worked as a resident doctor and from the mid-1950s as a visiting professor at the University of Bonn. Officially, he was at the University of Marburg in 1960 emeritus .


  • Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich: Who was what before and after 1966. Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 3-596-16048-0 .
  • Ralf Forsbach : The medical faculty of the University of Bonn in the "Third Reich" , Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 2006. ISBN 978-3-486-57989-5 .
  • Gerhard Aumüller, Kornelai Grundmann, Esther Krähwinkel, Hans H. Lauer, Helmut Remschmidt (eds.): The Marburg Medical Faculty in the "Third Reich". KGSaur Verlag, Munich 2001. ISBN 3-598-24570-X

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry in the German National Library
  2. a b c d e Ralf Forsbach: The Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn in the “Third Reich” , Munich 2006, p. 165.
  3. a b c d e Ernst Klee: Das Personenlexikon zum Third Reich , Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 35.