Rudolf Hess (medic, 1886)

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Rudolf Hess (born February 22, 1886 in Worms ; † August 25, 1962 in Bremen ) was a Bremen pediatrician and clinic director.


Hess was the son of a factory director. After graduating from high school, he studied medicine at the University of Munich , Kiel University and Heidelberg University from 1904 . There he received his doctorate in medicine in 1909 . He then completed his training with Paul Morawitz at the Medical University Polyclinic in Freiburg (1910–1912), with Ernst Moro at the University Children's Clinic in Heidelberg (1912/13) and from 1913 to 1916 with Bruno Salge at the University Children's Clinic in Strasbourg. His scientific focus was on the physiology of gastric digestion in infants and the differential diagnosis of leukocytosis. In 1916 he completed his habilitation in paediatrics and became senior physician with Bruno Salge in Strasbourg. After the First World War he was expelled from Alsace in 1919 .

He then worked in Würzburg , Frankfurt am Main and Essen, and from 1922 to 1928 as head of the Mannheim Infantry Hospital .
In 1928 he was given the position of senior doctor in the children's department at the Bremen hospitals (now the Bremen-Mitte Clinic) . He was a professional advisor in the construction of a large new children's clinic from 1929. During this time he founded a sisterhood and a nursing school. In December 1933, Hess was dismissed for racial reasons because his mother, who was baptized as a Protestant, had Jewish parents. He founded a pediatrician practice in Bremen. In October 1944 he was imprisoned as a forced laborer by the Gestapo in the
Farge labor education camp as part of Sonderaktion J ; after 10 days he was released as unfit for heavy labor. He survived the Nazi regime in hiding in Hellwege (Rotenburg / Wümme district) with the help of relatives of his former patients.

Immediately after the end of the war, he was again entrusted with the medical management of the Bremen Children's Clinic. He rebuilt the clinic, which now received an infection department. In December 1954, Hess retired.


  • 1957: Honorary member of the German Society for Child and Adolescent Medicine
  • 1966: The clinic was named Professor Hess Children's Clinic after a proposal by the Bremen Senator for Health, Karl Weßling, and following a resolution by the Bremen Senate . The idea for this name goes back to the former Bremen Senator for Finance Wilhelm Nolting-Hauff , who was imprisoned together with Hess in October 1944 as a “first-degree Jewish hybrid” in the Bremen-Farge labor education camp.
  • A wall relief in the clinic and, since 2000, a plaque commemorates his work.


  • Johann Jacob: Obituary. Prof. Dr. med. Rudolf Hess. In: Bremer Ärzteblatt. Volume 15, 1962, p. 37.
  • Hans-Rudolf Wiedemann : Rudolf Hess in memory. In: Monthly for Pediatrics. Volume 111, 1963, p. 303 f.
  • Paul Gerhard Küpper: Rudolf Hess. In: Life stories - fates of Bremen Christians of Jewish descent after 1933. Hospitium Ecclesiae, research on the history of the church in Bremen, Volume 23, 2nd edition. Verlag M. Hauschild, Bremen 2006, p. 85 f.
  • Eduard Seidler : Jewish paediatricians 1933–1945: disenfranchised - fled - murdered. S. Karger Verlag, Freiburg / Basel 2007, 209 f.

Individual evidence

  1. Dr. Walter Heidbreder, camp number 351044 in the British internment camp Westertimke: Report to the War Crimes Investigation Unit on the Gestapo Bremen's Farge labor education camp, on October 8, 1945 . In: Kreisarchiv Landkreis Osterholz, Sign.Archive Ms B 31 . S. 4 : “Prof. Dr. Hess (pediatrician), who was a half-Jewish doctor in the camp for a while. I succeeded in getting him to be released from being sent to work as 'unable to do physical work'. Significant for the difficulty of my situation in relation to the Gestapo is that my judgment in Bremen should be checked by the police doctor for its objectivity. "
  2. ^ German Society for Child and Adolescent Medicine: Rudolf Hess. Prof. Dr. med., pediatrician. (pdf) Retrieved December 13, 2018 .