Josef Braun (politician, 1907)

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Josef Braun (* 5. April 1907 in Berlin , † 17th July 1966 ) was a German politician of the SPD . Braun was a member of the German Bundestag from 1961 until his death.

Before the Second World War, Braun worked in the banking industry from 1924 to 1939. During his training, he was already volunteering for the trade union from 1924, and since 1926 for the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold, which is loyal to the republic . After being drafted in 1940, he was a war participant and in 1944 was taken prisoner by the US for two years .

During this time, Braun joined the SPD in 1945; After his release from captivity, he took a position in the accounting department of the FDGB and later the DGB in Berlin. In 1952 Braun became managing director and deputy chairman of the Berlin SPD regional association; he held both positions until his election to the 4th Bundestag in 1961.

He was a member of the Bundestag in the fourth and fifth legislative periods; the focus of his work was labor law and health law. Braun was an unofficial employee of the Ministry for State Security and was there under the code name IM "Freddy". In 1947, according to the MfS, he was "obliged to work within the SPD." He informed the MfS about events in the Berlin SPD party and state executive committee and about the activities of Willy Brandt . He was probably a member of the SED until his death.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Daniela Münkel : campaigns, spies, secret channels. The Stasi and Willy Brandt (BF informed, 32/2013). Online publication by the Federal Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the Former German Democratic Republic - Education and Research Department, November 2013, pp. 67ff.
  2. ^ BStU : The German Bundestag 1949 to 1989 in the files of the Ministry for State Security (MfS) of the GDR. Report to the German Bundestag in accordance with Section 37 (3) of the Stasi Records Act, Berlin 2013, p. 239f. ( PDF ( Memento of November 8, 2013 in the Internet Archive )).