Josef Landlinger

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Josef Landlinger (born August 27, 1919 in Hohenzell ; † December 21, 1996 in St. Marienkirchen am Hausruck ) was an Austrian farmer and politician ( ÖVP ). From 1977 to 1984 he was a member of the Upper Austrian Landtag .


Josef Landlinger grew up in Dürngrub. In 1946 he was one of the founding members of the ÖVP Hohenzell. In 1947 he moved to St. Marienkirchen am Hausruck, where he was a local councilor from 1949. In 1955 he took over the management of the ÖVP local group; from 1961 to 1979 he was also mayor.

In addition, from 1965 Landlinger was district chairman of the Ried Farmers 'Union and a member of the regional management of the Upper Austrian Farmers' Union. Between 1949 and 1961 he was a member of the General Assembly of the Chamber of Agriculture ; from 1967 he was district chairman of the Ried Chamber of Agriculture.

In 1977 Landlinger replaced the resigned Governor Erwin Wenzl in the Upper Austrian Landtag, to which he was a member until 1984.

Landlinger was married and had five children.



  • Harry Slapnicka : Upper Austria - The political leadership from 1945 (=  contributions to the contemporary history of Upper Austria . Volume 12 ). Upper Austrian Provincial Archives, Linz 1989, ISBN 978-3-900313-47-0 , p. 163 .

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