Josef Schrudde

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Josef Schrudde

Josef Schrudde (born May 12, 1920 in Meschede ; † October 9, 2004 in Oelde ) was a German maxillofacial and plastic surgeon, director of the Clinic for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Cologne .

He attended the state high school in Brilon and received his school-leaving certificate in 1938. He then studied medicine at the universities of Münster , Munich and Würzburg and received his doctorate in dentistry in 1944 with a thesis on focal infections.

After the war and imprisonment, he finished his medical studies in 1948 and began as a surgical assistant doctor in the Sauerland, but switched to the West German jaw clinic in Düsseldorf in 1952 , where he received his doctorate in medicine with a thesis on a “new method of cleft lip surgery” and shortly thereafter completed his habilitation.

His teacher Karl Heupel sent him to Cologne in 1959 to set up a plastic surgery department. In 1970 this department became the first independent university clinic for plastic surgery in Germany with a regular professor . This clinic was relocated to the new building of the Cologne-Merheim Municipal Hospital in 1983 and expanded to include a center for severely burned patients with an attached intensive care unit. Among his students are Neven Olivari, Martin Trauner, Veronika Petrovici , Werner Niermann, Uta Beinhoff, Jürgen Toenissen and Serdar Eren.

In 1987 Schrudde retired.

A lively scientific activity, the result of which is recorded in more than 100 original papers and book chapters, accompanied Josef Schrudde his entire life. He also gave about twice as many lectures.

The introduction of plastic splints for the treatment of lower jaw fractures is regarded as the standard method up to stable plate fixation and was adopted by the Swedish army as the "Düsseldorf method".

Josef Schrudde has made a name for himself around the world with the primary osteoplasty of the mandibular arch for cleft lip and palate , which he inaugurated in 1955 , and also with the sliding swivel plastic method first published in 1963 - the Schrudde plastic - which now has thousands of skin defects after tumor removal or ulcerations could be closed easily and safely.

In many articles about liposuction , Schrudde is cited as the forefather - The Father of Lipoplasty - of this method, who introduced what he called "lipexhaeresis" as early as 1972.

Further work dealt with the subperiosteal osteotomy of the nose, the treatment of pressure ulcers , facial peptosis after peripheral facial paralysis , a new method of mammaplasty and reconstruction after subcutaneous mastectomy with autologous tissue from de-epithelialized dermis fat flaps.

Schrudde was a founding member of the Association of German Plastic Surgeons and organized the 3rd conference in 1972 and the 9th conference of this association in Cologne in 1978. 1977–1979 he was president and after his retirement he was elected honorary member of the association. His contributions to the treatment of cleft lip and palate were recognized in 1957 when he was awarded the Martin Waßmund Prize .


  • Fritz E. Müller & Veronika Petrovici: Josef Schrudde . In: Plastic Surgery 8 (Suppl. 2) 2008

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