Josef Zander (politician)

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Wilhelm Josef Zander (born March 20, 1878 in Kinzweiler , district of Aachen , † February 15, 1951 in Bad Godesberg ) was a German politician of the center and mayor of Bad Godesberg.

Life and work

Grew up in Kinzweiler and went to school, he was a soldier in the First World War from 1914 to 1918 . In 1907 he became mayor of what was then Zülpich , and in 1908 chairman of the Zülpich history association. He stayed in office until 1915. In the same year he was appointed mayor of Godesberg. From 1919 to 1922 he was chairman of the Godesberg Beautification Association. In 1920 he expanded the beautification association into an "association for home care" and, as its chairman, initiated the printing of Professor Alfred Wiedemann's "History of Godesberg". His efforts to get the title “Bad” for Godesberg were crowned with success in 1925. His first marriage was to Sophie Wiertz from 1907, but she died in 1929. He had 8 children with her. In 1931 he married Marita Claisen (* October 3, 1898 - July 10, 1965), with whom he had 2 children. During his tenure, he tried very hard to ensure that Godesberg received city rights, but only his NSDAP successor Heinrich Alef was able to reap the fruits of this work.

Josef Zander was buried in the castle cemetery in Bad Godesberg.

Political persecution under National Socialism

Because Zander, as a center politician and Catholic, was a declared opponent of the Nazis and took public action against the NSDAP until March 1933 . he then came under so much pressure that he had to resign "for health reasons". On March 13, 1933, he was given a forced leave of absence and, like his party colleague Joseph Roth , was taken into “ protective custody ” for one day . In the school chronicle of the castle school it says:

“On Monday, March 13th, the national revolution was carried out in Godesberg. An SA team ( Sturmabteilung ) occupied the town hall and forced the mayor, the two salaried councilors and three other officials to take immediate leave of absence. Such a division of 20-30 men also appeared at the Burgschule and arranged for the teacher Roth to be taken on leave immediately because he had fought sharply against the National Socialists in his capacity as chairman of the Godesberg Center Party. "

He was replaced by the National Socialist Heinrich Alef , who took over the post on March 14, 1933.

After the war

After Alef's flight and the collapse of the Nazi regime, he was appointed mayor of Bad Godesberg by the military government in 1945. In 1946 he was elected political mayor by the new city council and remained in this office until 1948. After his tenure he remained politically and culturally active. Weakened by illness, he died on February 15, 1951.


  • 1947, March 31: On his 40th anniversary as mayor, Bad Godesberg granted him honorary citizenship.
  • 1948, March 20th: The University of Bonn made him an honorary citizen.
  • 1951, October 22nd: Zanderstraße was named after him in Bonn.


  • Josef Zander: Personal memories of Hubert Salentin . A lecture, go to d. Celebration d. 25 years Existence d. municipal museum of local history in Zülpich on October 8, 1934; Volksblatt-Verl. 1935
  • Josef Zander: Godesberg local politics in difficult times 1915–1933, Bad Godesberg 1949, reprint 1991

Web links


  • Death note collection Prof. Dr. Burkhart Cardauns, Brauweiler No. 1246; 1288
  • Godesberger Heimatblätter; Issue 39 (2001), pp. 56-69

Individual evidence

  1. a b
  3. ^ Bonn city archive: GO 8231, p. 160
  4. ^ Zanderstraße in the Bonn street cadastre