Josefa Martín Luengo

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Josefa Martín Luengo (born September 19, 1944 in Salamanca in Spain , † July 1, 2009 in Salamanca) was a Spanish anarchist and a representative of educational reform .

Live and act

Luengo attended a Catholic boarding school in Alicante during her childhood . She then studied school education at the Pontifical University of Salamanca . After completing her studies in 1972, she worked for a year at a Christian school in Zamora , but was dismissed there. She worked as an apprentice for two more years. Here she got involved in a literacy campaign for adults. She also gave reading and writing lessons for women later on. She later organized a congress for anti-authoritarian education in Merida. In October 1999 she attended a meeting for free education in Santa Maria ( Brazil ).

In January 1978, together with Concha Castaño and María Jesús Checa, she founded a free school in Mérida - the Escuela Libre Paideia . This reform school, which is dedicated to libertarian education, continues to this day.


  • Fregenal de la Sierra: Una experiencia de escuela en libertad (Madrid, Campo Abierto, 1978)
  • Desde nuestra escuela Paideia (Móstoles, Madre Tierra, 1990)
  • Intento de educación antiautoritaria y psicomotriz en preescolar (Mérida, si, 1981)
  • La escuela de la anarquía (Móstoles, Madre Tierra, 1993, con el colectivo)
  • Paideia. Escuela libre (Madrid, 1985 y Mérida, Paideia, 1999, en colaboración)
  • Paideia: 25 años de educación libertaria (Mérida, Colectivo Paideia, Ediciones Villakañeras 2006)

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