Josep Henríquez i Brito

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Josep Henríquez i Brito (* 1951 in Barcelona ) is a Spanish classical guitarist, guitar teacher, composer and guitar maker. Henríquez often plays a special eight-string guitar that he designed.

life and work

Henríquez studied guitar at the Conservatori de Música de Barcelona and received his diploma there in 1977 with distinction. There he was a student of Gracià Tarragó and Eduardo Sainz de la Maza . He has been giving classical guitar concerts around the world for almost five decades. From 1971 to 1976 he was a member of the Tarragó Quartet . In recent years he has performed together with his son Patrick (electric guitar) as a guitar duo of classical and electric guitar.

Henríquez has recorded a total of five records, two of them as a member of the Tarragó Quartet , two CDs with guitar concerts (including the CD Música catalana per a guitarra ) and one CD together as a member of the Dúo Eurasia together with his Chinese student Hang Nguyen.

As a music educator, Henríquez taught at the Music and Arts Institute of San Francisco in California in 1981 . From 1982 to 2013 he taught guitar at the Conservatorio de Música de Granollers (Province of Barcelona). At the invitation of the Spanish government, he founded the Aula de Guitarra Andrés Segovia in Beijing at the Central Music Conservatory of Beijing . Henríquez gave and still gives master classes at universities, music conservatories and guitar festivals. He works as a guitar teacher at the Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts (SIVA).

In 1993 Henríquez got into guitar making under the guidance of guitarist and guitar maker Antonio Picado. For this he set up a workshop in Sant Antoni de Vilamajor (province of Barcelona). Here he makes classical or flamenco guitars to order.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Josep Henríquez i Brito. In: Gran Enciclopèdia de la Música.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k Josep Henríquez. On his personal website.
  3. Klassik-heute: CD review by Josep Henriquez Música Catalana per a Guitarra .
  4. ^ A b Josep Henríquez i Brito. In: Granollers Conservatory.