Josep Maria Millàs Vallicrosa

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Josep Maria Millàs Vallicrosa

Josep Maria Millàs Vallicrosa (born November 29, 1897 in Santa Coloma de Farnés , † September 26, 1970 in Barcelona ) was a Spanish historian of science, Judaist and Arabist.

Vallicrosa studied philosophy and literature at the University of Barcelona, ​​including Arabic and Hebrew with Francesc Barjau. In 1920 he did his doctorate with Juliàn Ribera at the University of Madrid with a dissertation on the influence of Andalusian poetry on folk poetry in Italy. He then became Assistant Professor of Arabic and Hebrew in Barcelona and prepared to run for the chair. However, this did not come about, primarily for political reasons (he taught and published partly in Catalan). From 1926 to 1932 he taught Hebrew at the University of Madrid and cataloged translations from Arabic or Hebrew in the Toledo Cathedral Library. In 1932 he became professor of Arabic and Hebrew at the University of Barcelona. During stays abroad he was in 1935 at the Vatican, where he cataloged Hebrew manuscripts of Catalan origin. In 1937/38 he also taught at the Hebrew University of Monte Scopus.

He dealt with medieval astronomy, mathematics and agriculture and the history of science of the Islamic Middle Ages, especially in Catalonia, Catalan tombstone inscriptions, the influence of Andalusian poetry in medieval literature, translated Hebrew poems and from the Hebrew Bible. Among other things, he translated and commented on Abraham bar Hiyya , Azarquiel , Ramon Llull , Ibn Gabirol , Abu al-Salt , Ibn Bassal , Chasdaj Crescas , Ibn Wafid , Jaume Ferrer , Jakob ibn Tibbon (Profeit Tibbon), Enrique de Villena and Abraham ibn Ezra . He founded a school of Arabists in Barcelona who studied the history of science in the Jewish and Islamic Middle Ages in Spain.

In 1962 he clarified the position of the astronomical tables of King Pedro IV (a promoter of science and especially astronomy for navigation at sea), which were known in Latin and Hebrew after he had found a Catalan version. It was not a version of the Alfonsine tables , as others assumed , but rather they were recalculated in Catalonia.

1956 to 1959 he was president of the Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences .

His students include Juan Vernet and the Judaist David Romano (1925–2001).

Fonts (selection)

  • Textos màgics del Nord d´Àfrica , Barcelona, ​​Associació Catalana d´Antropologia, 1923.
  • Documents hebraics de jueus catalans , Barcelona, ​​Institut d´Estudis Catalans, 1927.
  • Llibre de geometria de R. Abraham bar Hiia , Barcelona, ​​Editorial Alpha, 1929.
  • Llibre revelador de R. Abraham bar Hiia , Barcelona, ​​Editorial Alpha, 1929.
  • Assaig d´història de les idees físiques i matemàtiques a la Catalunya medieval , Barcelona, ​​Estudis Universitaris Catalans, 1931.
  • Don Profeit Tibbon. Tractat de l´assafea d´Azarquiel , Barcelona, ​​Editorial Alpha, 1933.
  • Las traducciones orientales en los manuscritos de la Biblioteca Catedral de Toledo , Madrid, CSIC, 1941.
  • La poesía sagrada hebraicoespañola , Madrid, Escuela de Estudios Hebraicos, 1942.
  • Salomó ibn Gabirol, como poeta y filósofo , Madrid, Instituto Arias Montano, 1945.
  • El libro de los fundamentos de las Tablas Astronómicas de R. Abraham ben Ezra , Madrid, Instituto Arias Montano, 1947.
  • Estudios sobre Historia de la Ciencia Española , Madrid, CSIC, 1949.
  • Estudios sobre Azarquiel , Madrid, Publicaciones de las Escuelas de Árabe de Madrid y Granada, 1950.
  • El libro de la Nova geometria de Ramon Llull , Barcelona, ​​Asociación para la Historia de la Ciencia Española, 1953.
  • Poesía hebraica postbíblica , Barcelona, ​​José Janés, 1953.
  • La obra Forma de la Tierra de R. Abraham bar Hiyya , Madrid, Instituto Arias Montano, 1956.
  • El Liber Predicationis contra iudeos de Ramon Llull , Barcelona, ​​Asociación para la Historia de la Ciencia Española, 1957.
  • La obra de Séfer Hesbot mahlekot ha-Kokabim de R. Abraham bar Hiyya ha-Bargeloní , Barcelona, ​​CSIC, 1959.
  • Nuevos Estudios sobre Historia de la Ciencia Española , Madrid, CSIC, 1960.
  • Las Tablas astronómicas del Rey Don Pedro el Ceremonioso , Madrid, CSIC, 1962.
  • Textos dels historiadors àrabs referents a la Catalunya Carolingia , Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 1987
  • The beginnings of science among the jews in spain , Westport 1994

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vallicrosa, Las Tablas astronómicas del Rey Don Pedro el Ceremonioso, Madrid, CSIC., 1962