Joseph Bethenod

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Joseph Frédéric Julien Bethenod (born April 28, 1883 in Lyon , † February 21, 1944 in Paris ) was a French electrical engineer known for developments in radio technology.

Bethenod studied at the École Centrale de Lyon and was assistant to André-Eugène Blondel . During his military service in 1906/07 he came into contact with radio technology in Gustave-Auguste Ferrié's unit . In 1910 he was involved in the establishment of the company for radio technology Société française radio-électrique by Émile Girardeau . Most recently he was one of the directors of the Compagnie générale de la télégraphie sans fil .

Bethenod published around 150 articles and held around 300 patents on radio technology and electrical engineering, for example on electric motors (speed control of induction motors , phase diagrams).

Bethenod received the Poncelet Prize in 1937 . In 1942 he became a member of the Académie des Sciences . In 1936 he was president of the French Society of Electricians.

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