Joseph Hirschel

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Johann Joseph Hirschel (born November 1817 in Heidesheim , † September 19, 1885 in Mainz ) was a German Catholic theologian.


After attending grammar school in Mainz, Joseph Hirschel first studied law and later Catholic theology at the universities of Gießen and Bonn . In 1840 he became a member of the Corps Rhenania Bonn . After receiving his doctorate, he became a Catholic priest . He was cathedral chapter in the Mainz cathedral chapter and professor of canon law at the Mainz seminary . As an ultramontanist , he was in strict opposition to the Old Catholic Church .


  • The ownership of the Catholic churches together with affiliations according to French legislation, particularly with regard to the German parts of the country on the left bank of the Rhine with special consideration of the decisions of the Hessian court of Cassations
  • History of the city and the diocese of Mainz , 1855
  • The state and community income of the clergy under canon and French law, etc. , 1868
  • History of civil marriage in France , 1873
  • The ecclesiastical prohibition for Catholics regarding the co-use of the so-called Old Catholics allowed to use churches , 1875


  • 317. † Hirschel, Joseph . In: Matriculation of the Bonner Rhenania 1820 1970 , 1970, p. 68, Volume 4 of the blue books of the Bonner Rhenania

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 26 , 202
  2. Stefan Ruppert: Church Law and Kulturkampf , 2002, p. 130