Joseph Kolberg

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Joseph Kolberg SJ , also Josef Kolberg and José Kolberg , (born February 24, 1832 in Elbing , West Prussia; † March 19, 1893 in Feldkirch , Vorarlberg) was a German Jesuit , mathematician and geographer .


Joseph Kolberg entered the Jesuit order in October 1852 after graduating from high school. He studied and obtained his doctorate in Münster, Paderborn and Bonn. He worked as a mathematics teacher at the Jesuit grammar schools in Bonn and Feldkirch (1856–59, 1864–68 in Feldkirch, 1868–71 in Maria Laach).

A request to the Jesuit order to found a polytechnic in Quito (today: Escuela Politécnica Nacional ) in 1869 by the Ecuadorian President García Moreno he followed in 1871 with a few other fathers. He taught physics, higher mathematics, theoretical and practical mechanics for engineers. Kolberg published a textbook on general arithmetic in Spanish. Two more books on railway construction and active and passive earth pressure remained unfinished; In 1876 a civil war broke out in Ecuador and the Jesuits had to flee Ecuador.

Kolberg moved to the Jesuit convent in Feldberg in Vorarlberg, where he worked as a physics teacher and dealt with scientific work on geography and geology. In addition to his scientific writings, Father Kolberg repeatedly published smaller articles in the Jesuit magazine “Voices from Maria Laach”.


  • Tratado de Aritmética general y algebra , Quito 1872
  • To Ecuador. Travel pictures , Herder Freiburg 1876, 4th edition 1897
  • Die Mechanik des Erdballs , In: Voices from Maria Laach, 10 F., 1880–82
  • The applications of electricity in technology , In: Voices from Maria Laach, 1883


  • José E. Juncosa, Patricia Wattel: Joseph Kolberg: Hacia el Ecuador: relatos de viaje , Ediciones Abya-Yala 1996, ISBN 978-9978041666

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b entry ÖBL
  2. ^ A b Charles E. O'Neill: Entry Kolberg. In: Diccionario histórico de la Compañía de Jesús: Infante de Santiago-Piatkiewicz , Univ. Pontifica Comillas, 2001, p. 2214 (Spanish)