Joseph Lauber (theologian)

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Joseph Lauber (* 1744 in Vienna ; † April 11, 1810 ibid) was an Austrian Catholic pastoral theologian and Bible translator.

In 1780 Lauber became professor of pastoral theology at the University of Brno , which was relocated to Olomouc in 1782 as a Lyzäum . In 1792 he returned to Vienna, where he worked as a pastor and writer.

Laubers also tried his hand at translating the Bible : in 1786, an edition of the Pentateuch he had translated into German appeared in Vienna under the title The Bible, translated from the basic texts into a German language that the common man could understand . The divine script of the Old and New Testaments was published in Brno, translated from the basic text into a German language understandable to the common man , of which at least four parts, which include Genesis to Isaiah, can be identified.
