Joseph Spleen

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Joseph Milz (born March 22, 1934 in Cologne ; † December 25, 2013 there ) was a German historian, archaeologist and archivist.

First he completed an apprenticeship in the design office of an electrical company. He then studied Latin , history , art history and archeology in Cologne and obtained his doctorate in medieval history after the state examination . After training for the higher archival service, he entered the service of the main state archive in North Rhine-Westphalia . From 1976 to 1996 he was entrusted with the management of the Duisburg City Archives .

Joseph Milz has published numerous works on the history of the Rhineland . He dedicated himself in particular to the history of the city of Duisburg and was responsible for numerous archaeological excavations in the city. His research results have significantly expanded our knowledge of Duisburg's city ​​history . His re-evaluation of the historical sources created a completely new picture of the early history of the city of Duisburg. According to this, Duisburg is around 700 years older than previously assumed and was already settled in Roman times. Joseph Milz was of the opinion that the Roman dispargum mentioned by Gregor von Tours was Duisburg.



  • Hans Georg Kraume: Joseph Milz †. In: Archivist Volume 67, 2014, pp. 221–222 ( online )

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