Joseph Vitkin

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Joseph Vitkin

Joseph Vitkin (also: Josef or Yosef Vitkin ; * 1876 in Belarus ; † January 23, 1912 in Rishon LeZion ) was a Zionist pioneer who became known in particular for his dramatic call for Jewish settlement in Palestine. His appeal made a major contribution to the success of the second aliyah .


Joseph Vitkin moved to Palestine in 1897 , worked for a short time and then, after studying himself, an educator and teacher for farm workers. He worked as a teacher and headmaster in Gedera , Kfar Tabor and Rishon leTzion .

In March 1905 he published his appeal ( Kol Koreh. An appeal to the youth of Israel ) to the young Jews of Eastern Europe to immigrate to Palestine and to build the national homeland based on the principles of physical labor.

Jewish youth should "follow their hearts that long for their people and Zion". The previous settlement, which had got into a serious crisis, was to be saved from decline. He called on you to measure yourself against problems, diseases and dangers and to prove to yourself that you can do it.

“Not everyone,” he explained, “is suitable”: “We will select the best soldiers of the people among the talented ... Hurry and come, Heroes of Israel, renew the time of the Bilu settlers with even greater zeal, otherwise they are we soon lost. "

Joseph Vitkin was also among the founders and leaders of Hapoel Hazair .

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