Joseph W. Huber

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Joseph W. Huber, 1996

Joseph W. Huber (born June 26, 1951 in Halle (Saale) ; † August 5, 2002 ) was a German artist .


Huber had lived in Berlin since 1959 , with Karla Sachse since 1977 . Huber completed an apprenticeship as an offset printer , but later worked in various professions. From 1971 to 1980, Huber was active in Robert Rehfeldt's drawing circle , and in 1976 he made his first contacts with Mail Art and at the same time began an intensive exhibition. Since 1979 he has been issuing critical and satirical motifs as postcards and posters and after reunification founded the edition Karte'll . He later sold his entire Mail Art archive to the State Museum in Schwerin . In 1981 Huber became a member of the Association of Fine Artists of the GDR . He committed suicide on August 5, 2002.

Projects and exhibitions

  • Nature is life - save it , project 1977

Participated in the retrospective Mail Art exhibitions:

Literature (selection)

  • Joseph W. Huber: What is Mail Art for you and why are you participating? In: Friedrich Winnes , Lutz Wohlrab (Ed.): Mail Art Scene DDR. 1975-1990 . Haude & Spener, Berlin, ISBN 3-7759-0390-9 , p. 20.
  • Kornelia Röder: Nature is life. Mail Art - art as communication . In: Kornelia von Berswordt-Wallrabe (Ed.): “Fascination Water”. Güstrow Castle. Selected works from the collections of the State Museum Schwerin . Staatliches Museum Schwerin, Schwerin 2000, ISBN 3-86106-060-4 , (exhibition catalog, Schloss Güstrow, 7 July to 5 November 2000).

Web links