Joseph Zito

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Joseph Zito (born May 14, 1946 in New York City ) is an American film director and producer.


Before working as a director, Zito studied economics and psychology. He was also the owner of a cinema.

He made his debut as a director in 1975 with the film Patty - The Most Wanted Woman in America . He then directed several horror films, including Forke des Todes (1981) and Friday the 13th - The last chapter, the fourth part of the Friday the 13th film series. In the following years, Zito shot the B-action films Missing in Action , Invasion USA and Red Scorpion for Cannon Films . He worked on this with Chuck Norris and Dolph Lundgren . Further film projects for Cannon Films were not realized. Zito was planning his own Spider-Man film.

After producing the action film Fusion Factor in 2002, he retired as a director. Since then he has been working on the revision of scripts and is involved in documentaries.


Individual evidence

  1. Tobias Hohmann: Norris, Hille 2013, p. 197.
  2. ^ Tobias Hohmann: Norris, p. 198.
  3. Tobias Hohmann: Norris, p. 196.


  • -MAERZ- (Axel Estein), Thomas Schwer: Kinders, Papi goes filming today - Joseph Zito interview . In: Splatting Image, No. 8 , Berlin 1991

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