Joshua Knobe

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Joshua Knobe

Joshua Michael Knobe (born April 9, 1974 in Massachusetts ) is an American moral philosopher and exponent of experimental philosophy .


Joshua Knobe graduated from Stanford University with a BA in philosophy in 1996 and received his doctorate in 2006 from Princeton University , where he worked with Gilbert Harman , among others . He was then an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill . Since 2011 he has been Associate Professor of Philosophy at Yale University , where he also works on the Cognitive Science project. His main research interests are experimental philosophy , cognitive science and moral psychology . In his dissertation he described what entered literature as the Knobe Effect .

Knobe's high-profile work is discussed in the US press, including The New York Times and Slate , and he writes on . With Knobe, contemporary philosophy has regained its “bite” (Richard Marshall, 2011).

Knobe lives in Brooklyn with songwriter Alina Simone and a daughter .

The Knobe Effect

The Knobe effect describes the tendency to judge the bad side effect of an action as being intentional, whereas the good side effect of an action is not being intentional. In 2003 Knobe carried out a philosophical experiment for his dissertation. Participants were given a scenario in which the CEO of a company is presented with a plan that will increase profits and harm the environment . The CEO opts for the plan, purely for the sake of profitability, and says he doesn't care about the environment. The participants were then asked whether the CEO had deliberately harmed the environment and 82% of those questioned answered with "Yes". In the next scenario, the CEO was presented with a plan to increase profits that is also good for the environment . Here, too, the CEO opts for the plan, solely for the purpose of increasing profits, and declares that he does not care about the environment. When asked whether the CEO deliberately did something good for the environment, only 23% said yes. Knobe concluded that moral evaluations have an impact on whether actions are judged to be intentional.

Fonts (selection)

  • with Shaun Nichols (Ed.): Experimental Philosophy. Volume 2 . Oxford University Press, New York 2014.
  • Person as Scientist, Person as Moralist , in: Fritz Allhoff; Ron Mallon; Shaun Nichols (Ed.): Philosophy: traditional and experimental readings . Oxford Univ. Press, New York 2013, pp. 272-279.
  • Experimental Philosophy , in: Eric Margolis u. a. (Ed.): The Oxford handbook of philosophy of cognitive science . Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford 2012, pp. 528-543
  • with C. Hitchcock: Cause and Norm , in: Journal of Philosophy , 106, 2009, pp. 587-612.
  • with Sean D. Kelly: Can One Act for a Reason without Acting Intentionally? In: C. Sandis (Ed.): New Essays on the Explanation of Action . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2009, pp. 169-183.
  • with Shaun Nichols (Ed.): Experimental Philosophy . Oxford University Press, New York 2008.
  • with Ben Fraser: Causal Judgment and Moral Judgment: Two Experiments . In: Moral psychology. 2. The cognitive science of morality: intuition and diversity . MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2008, pp. 309-324. (via Jon Driver)
  • with Shaun Nichols: Moral Responsibility and Determinism: The Cognitive Science of Folk Intuitions , in: Nous , 41, 2007, pp. 663–685.
    • with Shaun Nichols: Moral Responsibility and Determinism: The Cognitive Science of Everyday Intuition , in: Thomas Grundmann u. a. (Ed.): The experimental philosophy in discussion . Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin 2014, pp. 102–135.
  • Reason Explanation in Folk Psychology , in: Peter A. French u. a. (Ed.): Philosophy and the empirical . Blackwell Publ., Boston, Mass. 2007, pp. 90-106.
  • The Concept of Intentional Action: A Case Study in the Uses of Folk Psychology , in: Philosophical Studies . 130, 2006, pp. 203-231.
  • Folk Psychology, Folk Morality . Dissertation. Princeton University, 2004.
  • Intentional Action and Side Effects in Ordinary Language , in: Analysis , 63, 2003, pp. 190-193.
    • Deliberate action and side effects in everyday language , in: Thomas Grundmann u. a. (Ed.): The experimental philosophy in discussion . Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin 2014, pp. 96-101.
  • Intentional Action in Folk Psychology: An Experimental Investigation , in: Philosophical Psychology , 16, 2003, pp. 309-324.


  • Julia Driver: Attributions of Causation and Moral Responsibility , in: Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (Ed.): Moral psychology. 2. The cognitive science of morality: intuition and diversity . MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2008, pp. 424-439.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Article Knobe Effect , in: Andrew M. Colman: A Dictionary of Psychology . 4th edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2015, p. 405.