Jossi Kaufmann

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Josef "Jossi" Kaufmann (born November 4, 1936 in Palestine , † December 4, 2017 in Cologne ) was a German - Israeli photographer and cameraman .


As a child of German-French parents, he learned several languages ​​such as German, French, Iwrit, English, Spanish and Arabic. Kaufmann came to Germany in the 1950s. He completed his training as a cameraman at Arca-Filmproduktion GmbH in Berlin. From 1959 to 2001 he worked as a cameraman for WDR, ARD and ZDF in studios in Cologne, Paris and New York City. As a cameraman and documentary filmmaker, he traveled to many countries with various journalists such as Peter Scholl-Latour , Georg Stefan Troller , Ralph Giordano , Helmut Grosse , Ulrich Wickert and Klaus Richter . Kaufmann was married.

Awards and prizes (selection)

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c City of Cologne: On the death of Josef Kaufmann
  2. Josef Kaufmann