Joshua Uffenheimer

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Josua Uffenheimer (around 1730 - around 1785) was a protective Jew in Upper Austria . He worked as a moneylender and entrepreneur.


Josua Uffenheimer lived in Kippenheim , where he initially ran a shop for fabrics and linen. His annual tax assessment of 30 guilders shows him to be wealthy. He was also active in money trading, which shows the financing of a claim for war supplies to the imperial army. In 1754 he lent 4100 guilders to the Ettenheimmünster monastery , the city of Ettenheim and three neighboring villages. In Innsbruck he had the salt monopoly with his brother Gabriel for a time . In 1773 Josua Uffenheimer took over the wool, linen and silk factory founded in 1764 in the breeding and work house in Breisach . The government of Upper Austria left the inmates to work for this. The bankrupt company he modernized after its acquisition, professionals hired and let the workers of the institution by weaver teach. At the same time, Uffenheimer expanded the number of products that he had primarily sold through Jewish dealers in the near and far area. The number of employees was between 300 and 400.

The Abbot Karl Vogler allowed in 1773 Joshua Uffenheimer in the buildings of the Benedictine Schuttern a cotton spinning and weaving to set up. The monastery promised itself high income, which was needed for the generous building measures. Uffenheimer employed the following workforce here in 1775: 40 spinners, 12 weavers, 5 craftsmen, 1 dyer, 1 outfitter and 1 accountant.

Uffenheimer remained despite his economic success, he employed several hundred workers, and continued to be a protective Jew without citizenship and without the right to freely choose one's place of residence.

Josua Uffenheimer died around 1785, his grave is in the Jewish cemetery in Schmieheim .


  • Jürgen Stude: The imperial-royal “manufacturing entrepreneur” Josua Uffenheimer from Kippenheim . In: Fate and History of the Jewish Communities Ettenheim - Altdorf - Kippenheim - Schmieheim - Rust - Orschweier , Historischer Verein für Mittelbaden e. V. - Ettenheim member group (ed.), Ettenheim 1988, pp. 362–364. (without ISBN)

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