Judiciary Arborea

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The four Sardinian judicates - Logudoro = Torres; Calari = Cagliari

During the time of the Judicates from the 9th to the 13th century, Arborea was an independent administrative district of Sardinia (from around 827), which was the last of four Judicates until 1409 and 1478 (the others were Cagliari until 1257, Gallura until 1296 and Torres until 1259), independence from the naval powers Pisa and Genoa , which enjoyed privileges in Sardinia from 1016 and later from Aragon .

Around 1070 the judge Onroccus moved the capital of the judiciary from Tharros to the newly founded Aristanis, today's Oristano . In 1131 the Genoese were granted judicial privileges by the Judge Comita. He invited his fellow ministers to the Bonarcado Conference in 1146 to resolve a controversy. The judge Barisone paid 4000 silver marks, which he had received as a loan from the Genoese, to Emperor Frederick I (Barbarossa), who then appointed him King Barisone I (1164–1184) of Sardinia. The Pisan Guglielmo de Capraia, as judge of Arborea, took possession of three districts of the Cagliari judiciary and others after the victory in the battle of Santa Igia in 1253. In 1259 he occupied three districts of the dissolved Torres judiciary. Between 1368 and 1374 Mariano IV, the judge of Arborea, succeeded in conquering all of Sardinia with the exception of the cities of Cagliari and Alghero .

After the murder of his son, the judge Ugone III. in March 1383, this was followed by his sister Eleonora († 1404) as the guardian regent for her underage son Mariano V († 1407) in the rule. She made a peace with Aragon in 1388. Eleonora, which for political reasons with the Genoese Brancaleone Doria was married, issued the written by her father Mariano IV. Laws work " Carta de Logu ", one in the Sardinian language authored criminal and civil code. The Carta de Lógu became an important legacy that was inherited by the Aragonese and remained in force until 1827. The areas returned to Aragon in the peace treaty of 1388 were annexed to Arborea again by Brancaleone Doria in a struggle lasting almost a year until 1392.

Judicate Arborea 1410-1420
Judicate Arborea 1374-1388 and 1392-1409
Judicate Arborea around 1324 under Ugone II.

In 1409 Arboreas (and with it Sardinia) the last judge, Guglielmo IV., Was defeated by the Aragonese at the Battle of Sanluri . The Arborea judiciary initially lost its sovereignty. Leonardo de Alagón, the Margrave of Oristano , took up the struggle for independence against Aragon again in 1470, but was defeated in the Battle of Macomer on May 19, 1478, which meant the final end of Arboreas.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ferdinand Hörschelmann: History, geography and statistics of the island of Sardinia, edited from French sources. Berlin 1828, p. 54f.
  2. ^ Dietmar Rost: Images of society in Sardinia. For the social construction of local, regional and national identities. Lit, Münster 2000, ISBN 3825848647 , p. 18.
  3. Stephen L. Dyson, Robert J. Rowland: Archeology and history in Sardinia from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. Shepherds, sailors, & conquerors. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia 2007, ISBN 1934536024 , p. 216.