Julia Rothenburg

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Julia Rothenburg (* 1990 in Berlin ) is a German author .


Rothenburg grew up in Berlin-Kreuzberg . Father and mother were communication trainers. After graduating from the Leibniz Gymnasium in 2009, she studied sociology and political science in Freiburg and Berlin and was a scholarship holder of the Jürgen Ponto Foundation's writing workshop in 2016 . She worked as a bookseller until 2019.

Her debut novel Koslik ist Krank was published in 2017 . The NDR adapted the book as a radio play in 2019. Her second novel hell / dark was published in 2019 .

Rothenburg lives in Berlin.



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Surreal feelings in extreme situations on deutschlandfunkkultur.de
  2. ARD audio game database