Julian Alexandrovich Scriabin

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Julian Scriabin, Kiev , 1919

Julian Alexandrowitsch Skrjabin ( Russian Юлиан Александрович Скрябин , scientific transliteration Julian Aleksandrovič Skrjabin ; * February 12, 1908 , † June 22, 1919 ) was the son of the pianist and composer Alexander Skrjabin .


Julian Scriabin was the second child of Tatiana de Schloezer , Alexander Scriabin's lover.

The precocious Julian Scriabin learned to play the piano. He was a cultivated pianist, composed and also wrote poetry. In his four preludes for piano, Julian Scriabin develops his own sound world, far removed from that of his father. At the age of ten he became a student of Reinhold Glière .

Julian Scriabin drowned under mysterious circumstances in the Dnieper at the age of eleven .

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