Julian Weber (Author)

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Julian Weber (born August 2, 1967 in Munich ) is a German manager, scientist, lecturer and author in the field of automotive development and mobility.

Julian Weber in the BMW Welt


Weber studied construction and development at the Technical University of Munich from 1987 to 1992 . From 1992 to 1996 he was a research assistant at the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Engineering (wbk) at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) and received his doctorate there in 1997 under Dieter Spath on virtual reality in product development.

In 1997 he joined BMW AG . From 2010 to 2017 he was responsible for innovation projects in the field of electromobility in project i .

Activity as a scientist, lecturer and author

After working as a research assistant, Weber headed research projects on automotive development processes from 1997 onwards. Since 2006 he has held the lecture "Automotive Development Processes" at Clemson University (USA) and has been Adjunct Professor there since 2008. In 2009 his textbook "Automotive Development Processes" was published, which was reprinted in Chinese in 2015 ..

From 2010, Weber headed a series of research projects in the field of electromobility based on the MINI E and BMW ActiveE test fleets, including on user behavior with electric vehicles and the secondary use of vehicle batteries . He gives lectures and guest lectures and is editor, co-author and author of books and scientific publications on the subject of mobility.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Weber, J .: An approach to the evaluation of development results in virtual scenarios, dissertation in the mechanical engineering department, University of Karlsruhe (TH), 1997
  2. BMW Press Club: Julian Weber, Head of Innovation Projects E-Mobility
  3. Weber, J .: Optimization of the start of series production by reengineering the development process. VDI-Z: 22-24, Nov / Dec 1999
  4. Weber, J .: The start of series production safely under control - an experience-based key figure system. VDI-Z: 76-78, Jan / Feb 2001
  5. ^ Weber, J .; Fadel, G .: Opportunities and Hindrances to Collaborative Automotive Development. SAE Technical Paper 2006-01-1469, 2006
  6. ^ Weber, J .; Ziegert, J .: Automotive Development Processes and Complete Vehicle Integration: An Intensive Course for Automotive Engineering Graduate Students. SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars - Mech. Syst. 2 (1): 531-538, 2009
  7. ^ Clemson University, Department of Automotive Engineering: Faculty and Staff.
  8. ^ Weber, J .: Automotive Development Processes. Processes for Successful Customer Oriented Vehicle Development. Berlin, Springer, 2009
  9. Weber, J .: 面向 客户 需求 的 车辆 开发 流程. Automotive Development Processes. Beijing, Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2015
  10. MINI E UK Field Trial switches off. AutoMobilSport.com, 03/18/2011
  11. BMW ActiveE project starts in Beijing. Eco-Business, 06/18/2012
  12. Electromobility: A region is electrified. Merkur.de, July 12, 2012
  13. "LangstreckE" project: the endurance test of BMW ActiveE. emobilitaet.online, 22.01.2014
  14. Residential power plant stores energy in an outdoor housing. Funkschau, October 2nd, 2012
  15. ^ "Second Life Batteries" for Hamburg HafenCity. emobilitaet.online, 15.09.2014
  16. ^ Weber, J .: The Future of Sustainable Mobility. Guest lecture at Chonnam National University, Graduate School of Business, 07/03/2012
  17. ^ Weber, J .: Sustainable Individual Mobility. Guest lecture at Yonsey University Schhol of Business, Seoul, October 6, 2014
  18. ^ Weber, J .: Radical Innovations for Sustainable Individual Mobility. Guest lecture at the Chair of Technology and Innovation Management, Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Munich, April 24, 2015
  19. Weber, J .: Implementation of radical innovations in established companies. Guest lecture at the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management, RWTH Aachen, December 14, 2016
  20. ^ Weber, J .; Krems, F .; Weinmann, O .; Westermann, J .; Albayrak, D. (Ed.): Electromobility in Metropolitan Regions: The MINI E Berlin Field Study; Powered by Vattenfall. Progress reports VDI, series 12 traffic technology / vehicle technology (No. 766); 2013
  21. ^ Weber, J .: BMW AG - Electromobility Strategy. In: A. Schröder, T. Sommerlatte (Ed.): Innovation leadership - Credo and Practice, pp. 181-185, 2015
  22. ^ Weber, J .: Moving Times - The Mobility of the Future. Berlin, Springer, 2020
  23. ^ Weber, J .; Kurfess, TR; Bowler, M .: A Holistic Approach to Sustainability Evaluations in the Automotive Industry, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Automotive Technologies ICSAT 2011
  24. ^ Bowler, M .; Weber, J .; Bodde, D .; Taiber, J .; Kurfess, TR: Battery Second Use: Sustainable Life Cycle Design Through the Extension of Tools Used in the Vehicle Development Process. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Automotive Technologies ICSAT 2013
  25. Ramsbrock, J .; Vilimek, R .; Weber, J .: Exploring Electric Driving Pleasure. The BMW EV Pilot Projects. Proceedings of HCI International: 621-630, 2013
  26. Schwambach, B .; Brooks, J .; Venhovens, P .; Bagga, K .; et al .: Conceptualization and Implementation of a Scalable Powertrain, Modular Energy Storage and an Alternative Cooling System on a Student Concept Vehicle. SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-1185, 2018