Yulia Vasilyevna Bychkova

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Julija Wassiljewna Bytschkowa ( Russian Юлия Васильевна Бычкова ; born September 2, 1979 in Moscow ) is a Russian architect and landscape architect .


Bychkova's father, Vasily Vladimirovich Bychkov, is an architect and entrepreneur . He is the director of the Moscow House of Art for exhibitions and a member of the Social Chamber of the Russian Federation . Her mother Anna Alexandrovna Shchetinina is an architect and artist . Bychkowa is married to the architect Anton Kochurkin and has two children.

After visiting the Tomsky -Kunstlyzeums the Russian Academy of Arts studied Bytschkowa 1997-2003 at the Moscow Architectural Institute (MARCHI) at the Chair for residential and public buildings and worked in the workshop AD Larin. During her studies she worked in her mother's architectural office Terra , where she developed projects for private houses and apartments, painted murals for a cinema and made designs for various facilities.

From 2003–2005 , Bytschkowa designed commercial and urban residential buildings in the architectural office Projekt Meganom, founded by Alexandra Leonidowna Pawlowa and Juri Eduardowitsch Grigorjan in 1999 . She was involved in the project for the construction of the Luxury Village on Rublyowo-Uspensker Chaussee .

Nikola Lenivets Art Park

Since 2006 Bytschkowa organized together with her husband that of Nikolai Vladimirovich Polisski Founded in 2006, annual Land Art - Festival ArchStojanije on a site near the village of Nikola-Leniwez in the Kaluga oblast , where 2010 Maxim Yuryevich Nogotkow the Nikola-Leniwez Art Park founded. In 2016 she became the director of the Nikola Lenivets Art Park.

In 2017 Bychkov completed a business course at the International Higher School of Brand Management and Marketing (IHSBM). In the same year she became managing director of the project group 8th line for garden art .

Bychkova teaches at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Московская высшая школа социальных и экономических наук: Бычкова Юлия Васильевна (accessed April 20, 2020).
  2. Гассельблат Герман: Чижовы в Уфе, Санкт-Петербурге и в Москве (accessed April 20, 2020).
  3. Кулик Ирина: Ленивецкая архитектура. Открылся первый фестиваль « АрхСтояние » . In: Kommersant . July 31, 2006 ( [1] [accessed April 20, 2020]).
  4. Фестиваль « Архстояние-2017 » ответит на  вопрос « Как жить? » In: Kultura . December 14, 2016 ( [2] [accessed April 20, 2020]).
  5. проектная группа (accessed April 20, 2020).