Anna Alexandrovna Shchetinina

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Anna Alexandrovna Shchetinina , born Anna Alexandrovna Tschischowa , ( Russian Анна Александровна Щетинина ; born April 27, 1958 in Moscow ) is a Soviet - Russian architect and artist .


Schtschetininas father, Alexander Fedorovich Chizhov (1932-1993) was a physicist at the Central aerology - Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Dolgoprudny . Her mother Lyudmila Alexejewna née Djubina (* 1937) was the deputy chief economist of the PO Dzerzhinez . Shchetinina graduated from the Moscow Architecture Institute (MArchI) in 1982.

In 1977 Shchetinina married Vasily Vladimirovich Bychkov , who was the same age and became an architect, entrepreneur and director of the Moscow House of Art for exhibitions. In 1979 they had their daughter Julija Wassiljewna Bytschkowa , who became an architect and landscape architect .

After their divorce in 1990, Schetinina opened her architecture and design office Terra in 1991 . She designed the interiors of large objects such as the Udarnik cinema and the restaurants in the Ostankino television tower .

In 1994, Shchetinina married an English architect with whom she went to England (until 1995).

Nikola Lewinez Art Park

In 1995, at the invitation of friends from England, Shchetinina came to the village of Nikola-Lenivets in Kaluga Oblast , where the architect and designer Vasily Michailowitsch Shchetinin (1965-2017) had founded an artists' colony. She stayed in Russia , married Shchetinin in 1996 (until 2010) and built a house in Nikola-Lenivets. Since 2006, her daughter Yulia Bytschkowa organized that of Nikolai Vladimirovich Polisski Founded in 2006, annual Land Art - Festival ArchStojanije on a site near the village of Nikola-Leniwez where 2010 Maxim Yuryevich Nogotkow the Nikola-Leniwez Art Park founded. In 2008 Shchetinina realized the landscape project Haus am Wald as part of the ArchStojanije Festival 2008.

2011 designed Schetinin an ecological path in the National Park Ugra in the Kaluga oblast (since 2002 Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO ). Since 2011 she has headed the Nikola-Lenivets non-commercial cooperative . She is a member of the Union of Architects of Russia and the Union of Artists of Russia. Her works can be found in the Nikola Lenivets Art Park and in private collections in Russia, England and the USA . In 2016 her daughter Yulia Bychkova became the director of the Nikola Lenivets Art Park.

Shchetinina's sister Marija Alexandrovna Tschischowa (* 1973) is an architect.


  • Solo exhibition at MArchI (1982)
  • Solo exhibition at the Natascha Tschorbadse gallery in Denver (1992)
  • Solo exhibition Rasvoploschtschenije in the laboratory of the Center for Contemporary Art of the Open Society Foundations in Moscow (1993)
  • Group exhibitions in Moscow (1982–1991), Rome (1987), Brussels (1988), Madrid (1989), Kaliningrad (1990), London (1990, 1991), Birmingham (1991)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Гассельблат Герман: Чижовы в Уфе, Санкт-Петербурге и в Москве (accessed April 25, 2020).
  2. Кулик Ирина: Ленивецкая архитектура. Открылся первый фестиваль « АрхСтояние » . In: Kommersant . July 31, 2006 ( [1] [accessed April 20, 2020]).
  3. Фестиваль « Архстояние-2017 » ответит на  вопрос « Как жить? » In: Kultura . December 14, 2016 ( [2] [accessed April 20, 2020]).
  4. Калашникова Елена: В деревне Никола-Ленивец Калужской области прошел шестой ежегодный фестиваль ландшафтных объектов " Архстояние " собравший более 6000 гостей . In: Novaya Gazeta . August 4, 2011 ( [3] [accessed April 24, 2020]).