Julius Gipkens

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Julius Emil Friedrich Gipkens (born February 16, 1883 in Hanover , according to other information: Emmerich ; † around 1968 in New York ) was a German graphic artist , draftsman and painter who was particularly successful as a commercial artist and poster artist . His advertising agency designed the Sarotti-Mohr .


After completing a commercial apprenticeship, Gipkens began doing arts and crafts at an early age. First he decorated shop windows in Berlin and designed exhibitions. He worked for the Hohenzollern arts and crafts house. He drew for various magazines, including the Simplicissimus . He was a member of the German Werkbund . He designed innovatively designed advertising posters, for example in 1907 for the Leiser shoe company or a poster with a single coal briquette for the Kaiser company in 1913. During the First World War , he designed advertising posters for war bonds and for the exhibition German spoils of war (1917). During the Weimar Republic he designed advertising graphics and packaging for Zuntz , Stollwerck , Sarotti , Riquet and Garbáty . He designed motifs for decorative fabrics and wallpapers. He created a number of graphics for book covers. Several fonts were cut according to his designs, for example Femina (1913, Bauersche Gießerei ).

In 1933 Julius Gipkens emigrated to the USA and was naturalized in 1944 under the name Julian Frederick Gipkens . He was living in Los Angeles at the time . Nothing is known about his further life until his death in 1968.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rita Gudermann, Bernhard Wulff: Der Sarotti-Mohr , p. 67 f.
  2. spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk
  3. ^ Emblem for the "Blessed Widow" , accessed on March 16, 2014
  4. Data on book covers by Gipkens
  5. ^ Femina / cut based on drafts by Gipkens, Berlin. Bauersche Foundry , accessed March 16, 2014
  6. ^ Work by Julius Gipkens , accessed on March 16, 2014
  7. familysearch.org

Web links

Commons : Julius Gipkens  - collection of images, videos and audio files