Julius Kosleck

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Julius Kosleck.

Julius Kosleck (born December 1, 1825 in Naugard in Western Pomerania , † November 5, 1905 in Berlin ) was a German musician and music teacher .

Julius Kosleck was the son of poor parents. At the age of eight he was sent to a military music school in Annaberg . There he had trained as a trumpeter and in 1852 joined the music corps of the 2nd Guards Regiment on foot in Berlin as a military musician . He later became a member of the Royal Chapel. From 1873 to 1903 he worked as a teacher for trumpet and trombone at the Royal University of Music in Berlin. Kosleck founded the Kaiser Cornet Quartet , which was expanded into the Patriotic Wind Association in 1890 . As a cornet virtuoso, he has performed in Germany, England , Russia and the USA . Kosleck is also considered a pioneer of the modern piccolo trumpet .


Individual evidence

  1. a b Freidel Keim: Das Trompeter-Taschenbuch. Schott, Mainz 1999, ISBN 3-254-08377-6 , p. 73.