Julius Wilhelm Hornung

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Julius Wilhelm Hornung (* 1861 in Tübingen ; † April 21, 1929 there ) was a royal Württemberg ( court ) photographer in Tübingen. He was a son of the painter and photographer Wilhelm Hornung .


A typical work by Hornung: A joke photo montage, here on the occasion of passing the Abitur, 1906

In 1884 Julius Wilhelm Hornung took over the studio of his father Wilhelm Hornung, who died early, at Uhlandstrasse 11 in Tübingen. It can be assumed that he had already worked in his father's studio before. In the first few years after the takeover until the 1890s, he operated under the same name as his father. Since he continued his father's tradition in the same studio, it is difficult to distinguish the son's work from the father's in the case of undated photos from the 1880s and 90s.

Julius Wilhelm Hornung "produced a large number of hoax assemblies for student organizations, at the accuracy and quality Sinners Working with coarse-looking image combinations could not reach." Like his father, he also took souvenir photos for clubs and company staff.

Around 1900 Hornung received the title of "royal court photographer". At the same time he was a member of the German party in the municipal council of the city of Tübingen.

Hornung occasionally took photos other than joke montages and ironically more of these have survived proportionally. (see the list below)

Hornung reproduced early daguerreotypes made by Johann Gottlieb Nörrenberg in 1848 with views of the city of Tübingen, which were passed on to his descendants.

Julius Wilhelm Hornung also took over the hop growing from his father. The two hop stores in Wöhrdstrasse existed until the 20th century.

Hornung was married to Sofia Hornung nee Stahl, with whom he had several children.

Since none of his children were seriously interested in photography, Hornung sold his studio - most likely with the original glass plates of his photos and also those of his father - to Lorenz Bäuerle before 1925, but continued to live as a privateer at Uhlandstraße 11 until his death. Walter Borst took over the photo studio in 1933 (reopening on August 10). It existed at this address until the late 1950s. At the beginning of the 1960s the house was renovated and any traces of the existence of a photo studio were erased. In this way, the original work of the two important Tübingen photographers has been lost. But there are always original prints (which have since become heavily faded and yellowed) in circulation.

Famous works

  • 1890s Mathilde Weber
  • 1890s Karl von Liebermeister
  • 1898 Association of Foreigners, Tübingen
  • around 1899 scale at Corps Rhenania
  • 1900 Large Kneipsaal in the former house of Corps Suevia Tübingen
  • 1901: souvenir picture of the Tübingen high school graduates, ( photo montage , postcard , Tübingen city archive , Hartmaier postcard collection, album 95)
  • 1906 Erich Schairer
  • 1907 (or shortly before): Police station at the Tübingen town hall shortly before the demolition (Tübingen City Archives)
  • October 6, 1907: flag consecration of the pioneer association for Tübingen and the surrounding area in the courtyard of the restaurant Zum Hanskarle in Tübingen (photo montage, "successful photographic image")
  • January 11, 1909: The “ Germania ” fraternity train on the Neckar Bridge in Tübingen
  • 1911: The " Sennhütte " as an interim bar of the Corps " Rhenania " (Corps Rhenania archive, cabinet format )
  • around 1916: Wounded from the First World War in a Tübingen military hospital (postcard, Tübingen city archive, photo collection 134-020)
  • 1920s Eugen Hofmeister

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Year of birth and death as well as place of birth and death: ... and give my regards to the world. Tübingen - a university town on postcards , p. 210 - exact date of death added from the Tübingen death register 1929, no. 244; Hornung's age is also given there as 67, so he was born after April 21st.
  2. a b c Udo Rauch: Police quarters ...
  3. Wolfgang Hesse: Views from Swabia ... , p. 35 with reference to "Tübinger Chronik" from July 20 and 22, 1884.
  4. Wolfgang Hesse: Views from Swabia ... , p. 94
  5. ^ Tübingen views of the castle
  6. ... and give my regards to the world. Tübingen - a university town on the postcards , p. 82 - In place of the Hopfenspeicher there is now the Neckarparkhaus .
  7. ^ Official address book from Amt u. District of Tuebingen , 1925
  8. ^ Advertisement in the "Tübinger Chronik" of August 9, 1933
  9. On portals such as eBay , ZVAB , delcampe etc. a.
  10. Wolfgang Hesse: In: "Rundbrief-Fotografie"
  11. Manfred Hantke: The Teutons on the Neckar Bridge  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on Zeit-Zeugnisse.de@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.zeit-zeugnisse.de  


Web links

Commons : Julius Wilhelm Hornung  - Collection of images, videos and audio files