Yuri Pavlovich Safronov

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Yuri Pavlovich Safronov ( Russian Юрий Павлович Сафронов ; born September 2 1928 in Moscow ; died 12. April 2001 ) was a Soviet science fiction - or fantasy - author .


Safronov graduated from the Zhukovsky Academy of the Air Force in Moscow in 1952 , worked on infrared reporting and detection systems for the Soviet armed forces and wrote several monographs on the subject.

In 1958 he published the novel Внуки наших внуков (The South Pole Melting), which is set in 2107 and a communist future and the opening up of the other planets of our solar system, together with his wife Svetlana Alexandrovna, who studied journalism at the Moscow State Lomonosov University and the Antarctic describes. The novel takes up themes from When the Sleeper Wakes by HG Wells and was published on the recommendation of the author Alexander Lavrentjewitsch Kolpakow ( Александр Лаврентьевич Колпаков ). It has also been translated into several Eastern European languages ​​as well as German.

In the early 1960s, Safronow published several stories in the tradition of »realistic fantasy« ( фантастика ближнего прицела ). In 1960 his short story Ничего особенного appeared , in which he describes how four vacationers and fishermen on the Black Sea happened to be victims of a missile test. In 1963 this story was sharply criticized, and from then on he could no longer publish in the Soviet Union, with the exception of the anthology Огненный водопад , which appeared in Ukrainian in 1971.

In the 1990s he dealt with astrology, in particular with the physical principles of astrology, and developed the theory of "astrooptics", about which he published around a dozen articles in the journal Чудеса и приключения .

Safronov is buried in the Vagankovo ​​Cemetery in Moscow.


  • Внуки наших внуков . Moscow: Молодая гвардия, 1959 (with Svetlana Alexandrovna Safronowa).
    • German translation by Willi Berger: The South Pole is melting. A novel from 2017 . Berlin: Culture and Progress , 1960.
    • Bulgarian translation by Boris Misirkov: Внуци на нашите внуци. Sofia: Народна младеж, 1961.
    • Serbo-Croatian translation by Zlata Müller: Čudnovati doživljaji Hromova. Zagreb: Epoha, 1961
    • Romanian translation by Alexandru Ștefănescu-Medeleni and Éva Szilágyi: Nepoții nepoților noștri . Bucharest: Editura Tineretului, 1960.
    • Ukrainian translation: Онуки наших онуків . Kiev: Веселка, 1969.
    • Czech translation by Miroslav Moc and Jiří Táborský: Vnuci našich vnuků . Prague: Státni nakladatelství dětské knihy, 1962.
  • Ничего особенного. In: Техника - молодёжи 11 (1960, under the name "Ф. Сафронов").
  • Огненный водопад. In: Вокруг света 3 (1962).
  • Осколок звезды. In: Техника - молодёжи 4 (1962).
  • Нить жизни. In: Вокруг света 1 (1963).
    • English translation by H. Jacobson: Thread of Life. In: Robert Magidoff (ed.): Russian Science Fiction 1968 . New York University Press / University of London Press, 1968.
  • Первая встреча . 1971.
  • Лямбда 0.76 - 420 . 1971.
  • Пятнадцать минут на Марсе . 1971.
    • Ukrainian translation: П'ятнадцять хвилин на Марсi .
  • Памятник прадедам . 1971.

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