Justus Diederich Heidmann

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Mourning poem by Justus Diederich Heidmann on the death of his wife, 1730

Justus Diederich Heidmann (* June 1694 in Hoya ; † April 3, 1743 in Verden ) was a German philologist and rector of the cathedral grammar school in Verden.


He was a son of the citizen Ludwig Heidmann, possibly a descendant of the philologist Christoph Heidmann , and from 1708 attended the Tertia under Sub-Conector Solter, the Secunda under Conrector Crusius and the Prima under the Rector Fuhrmann at the Cathedral School in Verden . There he was taught Hebrew and rabbinism for six months by a Jewish teacher named Fels who had converted to Christianity . Since his parents were not very wealthy, Heidmann did not begin to study theology at the University of Halle until 1716 and was accepted there to supervise Joachim Lange's son in his house. With Lange's help, Heidmann received a royal free meal and was able to teach Greek, Latin and Hebrew in the orphanage of the Francke Foundation . He also attended enthusiastically lectures on the Koran and the Syrian New Testament given by an Arab scholar whom August Hermann Francke had called to Halle. Heidmann even turned down a lucrative rector position in Stettin offered through Joachim Lange's recommendation, because he wanted to continue to participate in academic life.

Due to his intensive studies, however, he fell ill and left the city of Halle on the advice of the doctors. He therefore accepted a position in Stade in 1721 as tutor for the youngest son of the local councilor Albrecht Andreas von Ramdohr . Through the advocacy of the Chamber Council, Heidmann was appointed the new Rector on February 13, 1723, as the successor to the late Rector Fuhrmann, at his former school, the Domgymnasium Verden , which he remained in poor health throughout his life. He left behind some works, including dissertations, programs, songs, and poems on bereavement and weddings. Many of his students later entered various state offices.


In June 1726 he married the Lüne resident Dorothea Ernesta Pott (born November 8, 1701 in Sinstorf ; † January 26, 1730 in Verden ), the daughter of the preacher Johann Pott and his wife, a born Hasselmann († January 10, 1729) . Dorothea died soon after the birth of the second child. Heidmann fell ill with grief after the last of his two children had died young, but recovered and remained a widower for the rest of his life.

  • Daughter (* July 22, 1728; † April 20, 1729)
  • Son (7 January 1730 - 1730)

Works (selection)

  • Letter from Justus Dietrich Heidmann to Joachim Lange , written in Stade on February 28, 1723
  • Ad audienda specimina invitatio , Stade 1723 (Verden Cathedral School 1723)
  • Sylloge thesium e praecipuis juris studio praeludentibus disciplinis. Disputatio respondente Jo. Casp. Wolffio , Stade 1724 (Verden Cathedral School 1724 program)
  • Programma de praecipuo praeparationis scholasticae ad studia academica momento et adjumento , Stade 1725 (Verden Cathedral School 1725)
  • Programma de sapientiae digna aestimatione et genuina notione , Stade 1726 (Verden Cathedral School 1726)
  • Disputatio de Deo super omnia exaltato et hominc ab omni fastu deturbato, tanquam insigni religionis verae et inprimus evangelicae charactere, respondente Dav. Ott. Wahrendorfio , Stade 1730 (Verden Cathedral School 1730 program)
  • Most deserved love and honor memorial , mourning poem for the death of his wife in 1730
  • Collection of sacred songs; published after his death, Hamburg 1745

Literature and web links

  • Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund : The learned Hanover or lexicon of writers, learned businessmen and artists who have lived and are still alive since the Reformation in and outside of all the provinces belonging to the Kingdom of Hanover, compiled from the most credible writers. Vol. 2, p. 293. Schünemann, Bremen 1823. (Digitized by SuUB Bremen) .
  • Program of the Royal Cathedral Gymnasium in Verden: 1877/78. Pp. 42–43 ( books.google.de )
  • Anton Paul Ludwig Carstens (1743): Testimonies of faithful love after the death of virtuous women . (Verlag Nicolai Förster, Hanover), p. 147 ff. ( Books.google.de )
  • Hans-Henrik Krummacher: Lyra: Studies on the theory and history of poetry from the 16th to the 19th century , p. 304 (Verlag Walter de Gruyter, 2013) ISBN 978-3-11-031840-1 ( books.google.de )
  • Franz Kössler: Directory of program treatises of German, Austrian and Swiss schools from 1825–1918 - supplementary volume K. G. Saur, Munich 1991, and new edition 2013, Verlag Walter de Gruyter; S. 138. ISBN 978-3-11-146703-0 ( books.google.de )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Program of the Royal Cathedral Gymnasium in Verden: 1877/78. P. 43
  2. probably Albrecht Andreas von Ramdohr the Younger (* April 6, 1709 Celle; † June 18, 1775 Stade)
  3. so on a wedding in the von Ramdohr family, probably that of his former pupil in Verden on August 11, 1736 with Louise Sophie Kotzebue; see H. Rotermund (1823), p. 294
  4. possibly related to the bailiff Johann Balthasar Pott
  5. Entry on kalliope , inspection June 20, 2020