Justus Flohr

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Justus Flohr (born June 4, 1855 in Hamburg , † June 13, 1933 in Bad Pyrmont ) was a German engineer .


After completing his examination in Mittweida , Justus Flohr began his professional career in 1878 as a practical mechanical engineer at the Szczecin Vulcan shipyard , where he later became a designer. After a three-year professional stay in Scotland, he returned to the Vulcan shipyard, where he rose to become an authorized officer. After working for one year at the Odero shipyard in Sestri Ponente, Flohr became the chief mechanical engineer at the Vulcan shipyard. In 1909 he became chairman of the board of directors.

Under Flohr's direction, the ship Kaiser Wilhelm der Große was built, which was at times the holder of the Blue Ribbon .

From 1889 Flohr was married to Käthe, née Jüngermann, with whom he had four children.


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