Heinrich von Eberhardt

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Friedrich Wilhelm Magnus Karl Heinrich von Eberhardt (born May 6, 1821 in Potsdam , † April 10, 1899 in Weimar ) was a Prussian major general and commander of the 38th Infantry Brigade .



Heinrich was a son of the Prussian Lieutenant General Wilhelm von Eberhardt (1791–1867) and his wife Henriette, née Plümicke (1792–1880).

Military career

Eberhardt visited the cadet houses in Kulm and Berlin . He then joined the Guard Reserve Infantry Landwehr Regiment of the Prussian Army on August 12, 1838 as a non-commissioned officer , advanced to aggregate second lieutenant until mid-February 1840 and was assigned at the end of September 1840. From April to September 1846 he was commanded at the rifle factory in Potsdam and from mid-October 1848 to the end of December 1852 as adjutant and accounting officer of the 2nd Battalion in the 3rd Guard Landwehr Regiment. In the meantime, Eberhardt was promoted to prime lieutenant at the end of June 1852 .

On August 1, 1856, he joined the 1st Guards Landwehr Regiment as a company commander in the 2nd Battalion and was promoted to captain in mid-June 1856 . He was first company commander in the 1st Battalion of the 1st Guards Landwehr Regiment on June 1, 1858 and company commander in the Guards Fusilier Regiment on June 11, 1858 . During the mobilization on the occasion of the Sardinian War , Eberhardt was a company commander in the mobile II battalion in the 2nd Guard Landwehr Regiment in 1859. On September 20, 1863 he was promoted to major and on April 18, 1865 he was appointed commander of the 1st Battalion in the 3rd Posen Infantry Regiment No. 58 . In this position Eberhardt took part in the battles near Nachod , Schweinschädel , Gradlitz and Königgrätz in 1866 during the war against Austria . In the battle of Skalitz he was wounded in the foot by a shrapnel.

After the war, Eberhardt was given command of his regiment's fusilier battalion on December 13, 1866 and was promoted to lieutenant colonel on December 31, 1866 with a patent from October 30, 1866 . In position à la suite of his regiment, he was appointed commandant of Cosel on March 10, 1870 .

During the mobilization on the occasion of the war against France , Eberhardt was promoted to colonel on July 26, 1870 and was given command of the 1st Lower Silesian Infantry Regiment No. 46 . He led this association at Sedan , on Mont Valerien , in front of Paris and at Petit Bicetre . In the battle near Malmaison he was wounded in the neck by a shrapnel.

On March 20, 1871, he was appointed regimental commander for the peace relationship and was awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class on April 13, 1871 . In position à la suite of his regiment, Eberhardt was appointed commander of the 38th Infantry Brigade in Hanover on February 14, 1874, and promoted to major general on May 2, 1874. Under awarded the Red Eagle , he was on 18 May 1875 II. Class with oak leaves and swords on rings board for disposition made.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Sedan, Kaiser Wilhelm II awarded him the Crown Order II. Class with a star on September 1, 1895 .


Eberhardt married Klara Henriette von Reuss (1829–1911) in Erfurt on August 7, 1854. The couple had several children:

  • Magnus (1855-1939), Prussian general of the infantry ⚭ Clara von Kalitsch (1853-1918)
  • Gaspard (1858–1928), Prussian Lieutenant General ⚭ 1884 Gertrud Hecker (1864–1934), daughter of the factory owner Paul Hecker from Straßfurt
  • Klara (* 1860) ⚭ Eugen Marschall von Sulicki (1854–1925), Lieutenant General
  • Walter (1862–1944), Prussian lieutenant general


Individual evidence

  1. Klara Auguste Karoline Louise von Kalitsch . In: Marcelli Janecki , Deutsche Adelsgenossenschaft (Hrsg.): Yearbook of the German nobility . Second volume. WT Bruer's Verlag, Berlin 1898, p.  172-172 ( dlib.rsl.ru ).