Carinthian border call

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The Carinthian Grenzruf (1942 Carinthian newspaper ) was a daily newspaper and NSDAP - party organ in Carinthia .

The Kärntner Grenzruf, according to its own understanding, the official daily newspaper of the NSDAP, Gau Kärnten , appeared between 1938 and 1945 in Klagenfurt . Simultaneously with its introduction, the newspapers Kärntner Tagblatt , Klagenfurter Zeitung and Free Voices were discontinued, while the Kärntner Volkszeitung and the Carinthian edition of the Kleine Zeitung continued to exist. From 1939 he also appeared in Villach at the same time . The carrier was the NS Gauverlag and printing company .


Journalists who wrote for the Kärntner Grenzruf were among others:

supporting documents

  1. a b Carinthian border call. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on October 29, 2014 ; accessed on May 7, 2019 .
  2. a b Gabriele Melischek and Josef Seethaler: Austrian Press Statistics 1938-1945. OeAW, accessed on October 29, 2014 (Figure 4: Newspaper density in Carinthia).
  3. Loyalty to the people and liberals. Archived from the original on September 20, 2016 ; Retrieved October 29, 2014 .