Kathe Scheel

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Käthe Scheel (born October 18, 1911 in Sülfeld , † January 22, 1995 in Hamburg ) was a German linguist .

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Käthe Scheel was born as the daughter of a farmer in Sülfeld, where she attended elementary school. Then she went to the girls' middle school and the upper secondary school in Bad Oldesloe . After graduating from school at Easter 1931, Scheel studied German, history, Low German, English and philosophy at the University of Hamburg . For the summer semester of 1933, she switched to the University of Marburg . Scheel received his doctorate on February 13, 1938 at the Philosophical Faculty of Hamburg University. In her dissertation she dealt with the question: How far is the sentence structure of Low German art prose (especially with Johann Hinrich Fehrs) from the Low German vernacular? In April 1938 she passed the academic examination for teaching at grammar schools. Scheel went through a legal traineeship, which she completed in March with the second teaching examination for high school teachers. During this time she volunteered as a research assistant for the Hamburg dictionary .

From March 1, 1943 to March 31, 1948 Scheel worked as an assistant at the Germanic seminar at Hamburg University. Your position was saved in favor of an apprenticeship. Scheel continued her work on the Hamburg Dictionary, remunerated from various sources. On April 1, 1953, she received a permanent position at the Germanic seminar combined with the official assignment to edit the Hamburg dictionary. In the period that followed, Scheel succeeded in securing the archive of the seminar, which was endangered by the war. She made recordings of dialect speakers, which were an essential part of the collection. Together with the editors Hans Kuhn and Ulrich Pretzel , she created guidelines for the preparation of articles that she wrote alone. Käthe Scheel ended her activities at the seminar at the end of September 1977. At that time, the dictionary included lemmas up to “Eemann”.

In addition to the work on the dictionary, Käthe Scheel taught since 1940. In her lectures she dealt with all the older states of the German language as well as the most important variations of the North German language.
