Royal German Society (Königsberg)

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The Royal German Society was an association founded in 1741 to maintain the German language . As the first free civic association in Königsberg , the language society was supposed to "attract the best minds in the city and form a link between the university and the citizens".


On November 15, 1741, Johann Jakob Quandt and Cölestin Flottwell founded the German Society in Königsberg . They had visited Johann Christoph Gottsched in Leipzig in 1736 and were guided by the German Society that he led . At the Albertus University in Königsberg , the love for the German language and German-language literature was to be awakened and cultivated, the rules of spelling established and a dictionary published. In a privilege signed by hand, Frederick II granted the addition "Kgl." (Royal) on August 18, 1743. In the spring of 1745 he made a meeting room in the north wing of the Königsberg Palace available to the society . Here she celebrated her public festivals, such as the king's birthday, the day Martin Luther died and the 500th anniversary of Königsberg.

"So the great king, who has so often [...] been accused of indifference, yes, aversion to the German language and education, supported an institute that set itself the sole purpose of maintaining the mother tongue and its writing."

- Gottlieb Krause

When East Prussia was occupied by Russian troops during the Seven Years' War , the company was dissolved. She lost her room in the castle, "and her library suddenly had to be taken away on Christmas Day [1758]". Georg Christoph Pisanski , the prorector of the old town high school , took the company into his home. After the Russians withdrew, it was reconstituted. In 1765 she moved into her old premises in the castle. Johann Gotthelf Lindner officially reopened it on January 25, 1766.

The Royal German Society published its own publications and periodicals. Flottwell's plan for a German dictionary was not implemented. It did n't need to change its name during the Nazi era and existed until the Battle of Königsberg in April 1945.



  • Samuel Gottlieb Wald : The history of the royal German society at Königsberg in Prussia . Prussian Archive 4, 1793, pp. 852 - 892.
  • Gottlieb Krause: Gottsched and Flottwell, the founders of the German Society in Königsberg. Festschrift to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Royal German Society of Königsberg in Prussia . Leipzig 1893. GoogleBooks

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Wulf D. Wagner, Heinrich Lange: The Königsberg castle. A building and cultural history . Verlag Schnell and Steiner, Regensburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-7954-1953-0 , p. 38
  2. G. Krause (1893)
  3. ^ Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon . Würzburg 2002. ISBN 3-88189-441-1
  4. Treatises (1830)