Johann Gotthelf Lindner

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Johann Gotthelf Lindner (born September 11, 1729 in Schmolsin near Stolp in Western Pomerania ; † March 29, 1776 in Königsberg i. Pr. ) Was a German university lecturer and writer during the Enlightenment .


His parents were the consistorial councilor Georg Friedrich Lindner (1701-1747) and his wife Auguste Angelika Zeisich († May 18, 1784). He was the older brother of the physician Ehregott Friedrich Lindner (1733-1816), who was also born in Schmolsin, and the doctor and theologian Gottlob Immanuel Lindner (1734-1818), who was born in Königsberg .


Lindner had taken Protestant theology and philosophy at the Albertus University in Königsberg and completed his studies there in 1749 with a master's degree in philosophy. From 1749 he was rector and inspector of the cathedral school in Riga . From 1765 he was a full professor of poetry at the Albertina. After becoming a Dr. theol. had received his doctorate, he was appointed church and school council in 1775.

In Königsberg, Lindner was a central figure in the Royal German Society (Königsberg) and belonged to the inner circle of the Enlightenmentists Johann Georg Hamann , Theodor Gottfried von Hippel and Immanuel Kant . He was also a member of the Königsberg Freemason Lodge to the three crowns . He published his poetic writings in the Rigischer Anzeiger and in the scholarly and political newspaper in Königsberg. He also wrote school dramas.


In 1754 he married Marianne Courtan († 1764), a sister of the merchant Pierre Jeremie Courtan .

Works (selection)

  • Textbook of the fine sciences, especially prose and poetry . 2 volumes, 1767/1768. 1st volume, Königsberg and Leipzig 1767 ( full text without folded pages ).
  • Brief epitome of aesthetics, rhetoric and poetry . 2 volumes, 1771/1772.
  • De eo, quod est poeticum in Sacra Scriptura . Inaugural dissertation 1773, 47 pages ( full text ).
  • Treatise of the language in general, and especially of a country, together with a collection of some Lieland provincial words and expressions. In: Contribution to school activities. Königsberg 1762, pp. 207-256.


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